February 25, 2014


Can you believe it . . . the month of March is knocking on our door??!!  With this said, that means that there is a certain very special author celebration is just around the corner.  

With this said, the Read Across America festivities are headed our way.  To get us in the spirit, I created a few fun quick and easy "kitty-themed" resources that I wanted to quickly share.  

First up, I bring you Crazy Circus Cat Printables.  My babes are still in desperate need of some spiral review CCSS math resources {our new math curriculum has me supplementing right and left}.  So, I got down to business yesterday and hammered out some pages that my babes will definitely use this next week.  I targeted both 1st and 2nd grade standards with these and they all have a crazy yet oh so familiar theme ;)

This lovely packet covers 10 different key mid-year standards.  I'm talking everything from measurement and time to word problems and number patterns. I even included a handy dandy cheat sheet for you . . . 

As I was putting the finishing touches on the pack above, I got to thinking about the "Doctor" and one of my favorite silly stories.  Those star-belly creatures came to mind and the old noggin started churnin'.  I came up with a fun twist on your basic tea party activity.  Yes, you can hold the card and look for your match during your run of the mill match up activity.  BUT . . . what if you tape the cards to your students' bellies??!!!  OMGosh . . . yup . . . let's do a tea party up Sneetch style :)  And . . . while we are at it . . . let's make it FREE and EDITABLE! #nowthatsaparty 

In this silly game, I pre-made a set of star-belly sum cards.  The goal is for the kids to hunt around the room in search of the kids that have the same sum on their tummies.  However, this may not work for you.  Maybe you want to roll with a parts of speech match up or a math fact hunt . . . or even a vowel sound game.  Well, you're in luck.  I tossed in an editable template too.  Simply open up the blank version, toss in some text boxes and print!  

Sound like a little something you might want to use later this week or next . . . hint, hint??!!  CLICK HERE to score this FREEBIE :)

Alright . . . that's what I have for ya today.  Sorry the Factory has been so product driven lately (with very few pictures).  I had to toss a freebie in there for ya to make myself feel a bit better.  I have two more weeks of surgery leave and then I'll be back in the kid business.  My Blogger account ain't gonna know what hit it when I do that first "back in the saddle" picture dump . . . hehehehe :)  I can't wait!!!


  1. Hi Killey! What a clever idea! The Star-Belly Tea Party will make a great addition to our activities next week. I know my students will love it. Thank you!

    First Grade Schoolhouse
