January 9, 2014


Happy Friday my friends {well, almost out here in Cali}!  How was your first week back in the saddle?  I have absolutely HATED my alarm clock each and every morning, but I had a blast with my kiddies each and every day.  The latter definitely made up for my lack of sleep, so I'd call it a definite win ;)

Well, I promised that I'd be back with an in depth look at my latest packet.  So, here I am.  On Tuesday I uploaded Skating Through Endings.  It's a fun little mini-unit that focuses on those 3 tougher than tough ending rules - drop the e, double the consonant, and just add -ing/-ed.  My own crew has already jumped on into this one . . . and it's been a great ride thus far (more on that and a freebie down below)!

When I put this collection together I wanted more than just your basic spelling pack.  My hope was to draft a comprehensive download that would offer up lots of different activities that would keep ending practice entertaining and meaningful.  Here's what I came up with . . . 

What is a mini lesson without some serious pocket chart activities.  This packet won't disappoint.  I left it wide open . . . lots of options!

I really wanted to hang these for my crew, so I tossed them in!  We have sound effects and movements for all of these as well.  {I'm sure you figured as much coming from me . . . more info down below.}

This is always the BIG highlight of the ending study in my class.  They love designing the skates and it makes the cutest bulletin board!

I made all sorts of center activities that help kiddos practice those ending rules {hopefully with smiles on their faces}.

It includes a crazy card game as well as a FREE song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes.  I talked the children's music master into tossing an MP3 of "Drop That E" song into the download {lyrics too}.  Yup . . . it's included!  If you like this song, be sure to check out his, "Double the Final Consonant" ditty.  We will be rolling with this one in my room as well!!!

Paper/pencil definitely has its place in spelling studies and I promise that this packet doesn't lack in this department.  There are LOTS of options here . . . that build on one another :)

So . . . there's my new pack in a nutshell.  I am really happy with how it turned out.  All of the ending rules have been introduced in my room now and we will be launching into all of those fun games next week.  

Speaking of introductions . . .  I wanted a visual for my babes that would stick with them while introducing these tricky rules.  I firmly believe that a "hook" that makes kids giggle and gets them involved has the best long-term results. So, while introducing DROP THE E this week, we did a little acting.  Here's how it played out . . .   

A bossy e word was formed by two kiddies. 
All of the kids would huff . . . and puff . . . and BLOW THAT E OUT!
This would drop the e!
{I can't tell you how many times we had to do this!}
The "-ing" would run in and form the new word with the ending!
It was classic.  
Something must have clicked with this little stunt as someone yelled out "Hey, Mrs. D . . . drop the e!" during today's winter parts of speech brainstorm session.  If you want to try this out in your room, click here to grab the simple signs. Print, laminate, and go for it.  All ya gotta do is "sell the sizzle" and they will be eating out of the palm of your hand . . . promise :)

To see my Skating Through Endings Packet in more detail, it's up in my TPT shop.  It's perfect for 1st and 2nd grade!!!  

Alright, this girl is off to bed.  I have a little trick for double the consonant, but my eyelids are drooping.  I'll be back with that idea + free printables this weekend.  Thanks for taking the time to pop on over!  Have a wonderful Friday! I'll see you soon :)


  1. Kelley-skating through my day because of your wonderful posts...

    1. You made my day . . . thanks for the sweet comment :)

  2. I love the role play; so great! Have a great weekend!

    A Very Curious Class

    1. Thanks Amanda . . . it kept them and ME laughing :)

  3. Looks like a terrific unit to make these skills "stick"; love the role play idea. (The freebie link for the simple signs doesn't seem to be working--it connects to the info for the entire unit.)

    1. Brenda . . . what a goob I am. Thank you so much for letting me know. It's all fixed up now. Big hugs :)
