January 10, 2013


I don't know about all you alls, but it was so nice getting to see my babies again this week.  I was not all about getting up at 5am, learning that our copy machine was down again, or dealing with the stress that is school, but those kiddies made it so I didn't mind walking back into that door one little bit.

What have we been up to you ask??  Well, a ton!  However, one thing in the math department was particularly helpful for me and I wanted to share.  I didn't get around to teaching time before Christmas Break (shame on you Mrs. Dolling), so I kicked off the unit on Tuesday.  I knew better than to be "talkin' at them" in the afternoon during the week we just returned from 14+ days off, so I ran with this ditty to help me intro the concept . . . TASTY TIME!  

Yup . . . those are licorice stick hands!  
Interested in trying this out in your class one afternoon?  I promise that it will keep them engaged and tuned in to what you are dishin' up!
    1. Have your babes draw a large circle on their desk in dry erase marker (this will be their clock face).  Ask them to make a line and the top and the bottom of their circle.  Model how to label them with the numbers 12 and 6.  Next, have them make lines on the right and left-hand sides of their circle.  These are marked with a 3 and 9. Finally go around the clock and put two ticks between each quarter of the circle.  Model how to label these with the correct numbers so each student has a clock drawn on their desk.  I made sound effects the whole time . . . it's amazing how far a simple "whoosh" or "gooby-gobby" will go.  Remember . . . these won't be perfect, but it serves its purpose just fine in my book :)
    2. Give each of your babes a licorice rope.  Have them fold it in half and tear it apart to make two equal pieces.  Go ahead . . . let 'em eat one half . . . they'll be yours for the rest of the lesson!  This is the hour hand.
    3. Next, give them a second licorice rope and have them bite off the tip. They don't have to do this, but they LOVE it.  And it's a riot to watch them smile and try and take the littlest of bites!  I am all about keeping the kids and myself entertained.  This is the minute hand.
    4. Call out a time and have your sweeties show it on their "desk clocks" using the licorice sticks.  
    5. I also suggest having your students write the corresponding digital time on their desk.  This provides a VERY quick way for you to assess your babes' understanding of the concept!

On a final note today (something TOTALLY unrelated), look what I got from the very nice UPS man yesterday??  No more black streaks down the back of every page I print . . . I am in heaven!

Alright, I gotta jet.  It's time for me to get ready for my first physical therapy appointment.  I am all nervous about it for some reason.  Silly girl.  See you soon!!!


  1. What a fun activity! We won't be learning time for a while, officially, but I think I'll have some licorice on hand next week just in case. This sounds like a welcome break from the math book. Thanks for sharing! Love the photos too.

    1. Thanks so much Chrissy!!!! Time to the hour is a K standard so if you want to just review last years junk without having to open a whole new can of worms, this could work out for ya :)

  2. If I have my kids draw on my desks, and it doesn't come off, you are talking my principal for me! Got it :) LOVE this idea Kelley!

    1. Bwahahahahahahaha!!! I promise that it will come off!! The janitor might not like you . . . but it will come off :) That's what candy bar bribes and thank you notes are for!! Thanks for poppin' in friend!!!

  3. This is great! Anyway you can make learning fun, right?!?

    Thanks for this great idea.
    Keeping Up With First Grade

  4. This looks like such a fun way to practice time. I'm sure your kiddos loved it!

    1. Hey Nina . . . how ya been?? Thanks so much for stoppin' in to say howdy :)

  5. You are the shizzle!! I am beginning to teach time now and don't have any resources (not even in the math book). My students are going to LOVE this!!! Thanks for sharing another brilliant idea!! :)

    1. Lisa . . . I love you to the moon and back. Thanks for making my day :)

  6. I love this idea! I also love licorice, so I might be chewing on some while I teach. :) I'm totally trying this! And I'm so jealous of your printer! That's a nice one!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. It's January 11th and I am still SUPER impressed with that goal of yours. Thanks for taking the time to write. Oh . . . and the printer is heaven!

  7. LOVE this idea! Writing on desks makes my little OCD self a teeny bit nervous...but I'm trusting you completely! I'll have to write this lesson down on my planner. :)

    1. It will make your desks look icky until the janitor comes in to clean, but the kids will love every minute of it :) PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. What a fun idea! :) (AND they make chocolate ones now too---yummo!) ;)

    First Grade and Fabulous

    1. DeAnne . . . I love your visits. Thanks so much for taking the time to write :)

  9. Love this idea too! I tried the "pinterest inspired" paint sharpie-on-the-table, erase-with-a-dryerase-marker and failed. It ended up a smeared black mess. So maybe I should have tried just the dryerase :) Or maybe its a good excuse to do some shaving cream writing on the tables to clean them? You are lucky... our custodians only SWEEP our rooms, and that's only twice a week. Clean the tables? That would be a dream! :)

    Mrs. Jones’s Kindergarten

    1. Do you kids get sick a lot? I would think that the germs are off the chain if you room only gets swept. YIKES! Thanks for stoppin' by!

  10. Awww, I wish I had this post back when we taught time in October. This is an AWESOME idea! I am pinning it (with your permission - I don't see a 'permission to pin' icon) so I remember when we are on time next year (and revisit later this year).

    Thanks for sharing...especially the pics. I love it! Oh, and I am with Karen above. You are so lucky about your custodians. Like Karen, I barely get my room swept. No boards or tables/desks cleaned. They've only changed my air filter once this year and I get balls of dust daily. Yuck! Anyway, thanks for sharing your great idea!

    Posh Primary

  11. Such a cute idea! I never would have thought of using food to teach time! Definitely going to use this to introduce it next year. :)

