January 4, 2013


A week ago or so I promised my good friend Lisa over at Growing Firsties that I would jump in on her monthly linky.  I may be a few days late (a new trend it seems), but I am all over it today!

Check out the linky party HERE!
So, here's the skinny on this one.  I am supposed to blog about two people who have inspired me as of late.  Boy, oh boy, is this going to be hard for me to narrow down. (Thankfully there will be another one next month for me to dish out some more love!)

This little lady produces quality product after quality product and I always click over IMMEDIATELY when I see that she has a new post up.  Who might I be referencing you ask??  Well, it's none other than the one and only Gladys Appleton from Teaching in High Heels.

I love, love, LOVE this woman and all that she does.  From packets to posts this lady has it going on.  I am sure you already have her on radar, but if you don't, you don't want to miss out . . . add her to your blog roll stat.  Do you know what the coolest part about this choice is?  Gladys is just as amazing on the inside as she is on the outside.  Seriously . . . she is one of the sweetest gals around!  Her MLK unit is already scheduled in my plan book and I wish I could find the time to work in some of her Chinese New Year ditties.  What can I say??  I need more hours in the day for you Gladys!!!

My second blogger spotlight shines over to sweet Stephanie at Falling Into First. I have been keeping a VERY close eye on this special gal since last May and she has become one of my faves.

Steph's packets are fantab as are her posts.  I will be running with her Polar Bear Buddy Craft when we get back to school next week.  I can't wait to get these up on the wall . . . the kids are going to flip!  If you haven't seen all that Falling Into First has to offer, pop on in for a visit. You'll be glad you did.  

Switching gears a bit, I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to all of you who entered the "First Class" Giveaway that Reagan Tunstall and I hosted yesterday. The turnout was wonderful and your kind words filled both of our hearts!  I am happy to report that Kirra and Kelly (Beg, Borrow, & Steal) were our big winners! I hope you enjoy the new friendly letter packs ladies!


Alright, that's it from little old me.  Be sure to hop on over to see the other fabulous bloggers being highlighted in Lisa and Katie's Linky Party!  I hope to be back with a little MLK ditty by the end of the weekend, but I have to finish my power point presentation for PK1 and I have been slower than molasses for some reason!  My fingers are crossed :)  Merry Friday friends!!


  1. Great choices for your shout-out! I adore both those blogs too. :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. I am impressed . . . going to have to change you name to the Comment Queen! Thanks so much for taking the time to write :)

  2. I agree with sarah! Those gals are truly inspiring :)


    1. These two are easy to love for sure. Thanks for stoppin' by!

  3. Kelley - Thanks SO much for linking up!!!! And...such wonderful shout-outs, too!

    I have been using your Pen Pals Pack this year and REALLY love it! Loving my pen pal hooked up by you, too! I'm in WI and she's in NC so it's been fun to compare weather! As in, our kiddos go out to recess as long as it's 0 or above...her class goes out if it's 32 or higher. My class thought that was so funny! I'm sure her class thinks we're crazy!

    Big, ginormous grins and hugs - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

    1. I promised you . . . and I make good on my word (even if I was a tad late to the party)! So glad that you are enjoying the Pen Pal pack. Hugs!

  4. Oh. my. gosh! Kelley, you sweet little thing..I love YOU and your awesome ideas and activities..they're always so much fun. My kiddos even know you by name! That's how much we love you! xoxoxo ;)

    1. Hahahahahaha . . . thanks doll! My kiddos know you by name too. They call you the "High Heels" Teacher!!!!

  5. LOVE these two gals! Aren't they the sweetest?? :)
    I did not know about this linky but if I had to choose a blogger who has inspired me to be great, it would be you ;)

    All Students Can SHINE

    1. Valerie . . . what a comment to wake up to. Thank you so much my friend!!!!

  6. You just made this girl feel like a million bucks!! Thanks so much friend! Your CONTAGIOUS positivity keep me inspired like non other!!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  7. These activities are FABULOUS!! I love the Polar Bear Buddy activity. It is too cute! Keep up the amazing work!!
    Bug hugs,
    The Land of Glitter

  8. Great choices on you shout outs! Both look like they have great ideas!
    Buggy for First Grade
