December 30, 2012


Well, I haven't spoken to my darlin' husband much in the past 24 hours and I managed to finish my latest pack - Antonym Mittens.  He moaned a little bit, but I think he secretly loved the uninterrupted time with his "Dark Souls" computer game ;)  

I have been doing this craft with my kiddos for the past 6 years and it is always a crowd pleaser.  In addition, it is a very easy craft to get up on those bare as all get out post-Christmas classroom walls (was that a mouthful or what)!  

Sorry to inform you . . . this cuter than cute model of mine does not come with my packet! However, this "winterized" antonym collection has a little bit of everything in it!  

We're talking 51 pages in all.  From a tea party and center games to independent worksheets this packet will keep your kiddos engaged and working hard for a week or two!  It even comes with a rockin' tune by Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes. Yup, that's right folks!  It's included in the download!  Somehow I talked him into it . . . ;)

CLICK HERE to listen to a sample!
I am going to offer up one of the Mismatched Mittens Color By Code pages for you to grab if ya like.  I figured you needed a little parting gift today!

CLICK HERE to download!
Thanks JW Illustrations for the sweet little mittens!

Before I go today I wanted to link up with one of my bloggy buddies over at The Teachers' Cauldron.  Jen is a doll and this linky is oh so timely . . . I can't' think of a better combination to get me jazzed about joining a PAR-TAY!  

I am supposed to list a personal and a blogging goal for good old twenty - thirteen.  After thinking about it for most of the afternoon, I narrowed it down to one per category.  

This goal may be a little out of my hands, but it is definitely the thing I will strive for the most this year.  My personal mission is going to be to get healthy this year.  I'm not talking about exercise or eating right.  I already am pretty good at these things.  I am looking at it in a larger sense.  Here's the short-n-sweet version of the back story on this.  I have a gnarly case of endometriosis and a not so hot surgery last February has blown up my life quite a bit (I'll spare you the icky details).  I am so tired of feeling like crud every day.  It's time to find a new crew of doctors and PTs to help me get back on my feet again.  I am promising myself that I will stay on it this year . . . to fight like heck to find the answers I have been looking for.  You all are my witnesses!  Game on broken body parts . . . game on.  

I am going to set aside time to seek out new bloggers.  I have been so consumed with finding the balance between blogging, teaching, and being a wife that I have dropped the ball in this area.  It's time to start stalking again!  I can't wait to make good on this promise!  

Alright all you alls, I am off to check in on Mr. Dark Souls himself.  I haven't seen him in a few hours.  Merry New Year {almost} to you friends.  I'll see you again VERY soon with a special treat.


  1. Love that song!! Your pack looks maaahvelous Dolling ;)

    1. Word . . . you is quick girl. Thanks for the bloggy comment love :)

  2. hehe - love the song!!
    and so sorry about the icky personal stuff :( I hope you get healthy too!!
    thanks for linking friend!
    The Teacher’s Cauldron

    1. Dude . . . I am so glad that you told me that stuff started playing automatically. What a rookie move :) I fixed it up so now you can listen if you WANT to. Hugs friend!

  3. So excited about this! I just started doing some long-term planning and synonyms and antonyms is in my near future! This will be a perfect addition!


    1. Hooray . . . great news! Let me know how it works out for you!!

  4. Total cuteness Kelley! I love it!

    Sending you lots of prayers and hugs...I have had tummy problems for a long time and know how health issues can suck everything out of you. I finally found a doctor that helped AFTER having 2 surgeries ordered by my previous doctor. Hang in there girl and make a ruckus if you need to!

    Blessings to you in 2013!

    Heather's Heart

    1. Oh Heather, I always heart your comments. Thanks for the encouragement friend. I am ready to "throw some elbows" this year if need be ;)

  5. Kelley,
    So sorry about your yucky ucks!! I pray you feel better soon!The mitten antonym activity is so cute! It will go perfectly with my "Smitten with Mittens" unit. You can grab that unit on my blog!!
    Stop by soon!

    1. Just popped over for a visit . . . your stuff is super cute!! Love your MLK goodies :) Merry 20-13!!! Thanks for visiting and for the kind words :)

  6. I love the mitten pack!!! xoxo

    1. Berkeley . . . okay, so I know you aren't from here, but it just seems like a fitting nickname for some reason :) Thanks for the bloggy love tonight!!!!!

  7. Adorable mitten pack!! Hopefully this year will be much better for you with your yucky-yucks!! Love ya lady!

  8. Your activity packs are so sweeeeet!
    I love how you got the "rockin' tune" as well!!
    Come over to my blog and link up to "Forget-me-not" 2012. :)
    -Lovely Nina

    1. Hi Nina . . . thanks for stoppin' by. Merry New Year (well, almost)!

  9. Thanks for the mitten pack! I was looking to do a quick review activity for antonyms when we get back, and this will be PERFECT!!
    I'm sorry to hear that you have had trouble with your health. I hope you will get the answers you need in 2013!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  10. Your packs are always super cute!! Love it!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher
