June 17, 2012


"Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad" - Anne Geddes.

I always get quite sentimental on Father's Day . . . I just can't help myself.  It must be because I have the best dad in the world :)  I can honestly say that I would be lost without him.  He is my rock, my friend, my daddy.  His passion for life, dedication to his craft, endless creativity, love for my mother and me, and sense of humor continue to guide me in life.  Daddy, if you are reading this little old post, I LOVE YOU!  

Alright . . . it's time to let you all in on a little secret considering it's Father's Day and all.  You know how I am always all wrapped up in Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes?  Well, my maiden name is Brown . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . Ron is my dad :).  

He started off as a teacher too - at my very same school.  After years of incorporating his music into his OWN primary classroom, my pops retired early to focus on doing what he loved most, writing music for kids.  I grew up around music in the classroom (and at home) and am a true believer in its amazing power.  I may be a little biased, but the thousands of other classrooms and teachers incorporating Intelli-Tunes' music out there speaks for itself.  I am one proud daughter. 

I called my dad and convinced him to offer up some of my favorite songs for flash sale . . . only 49 cents each!  10's Lift OffMarch & Spell, (AR) Pirate Sound - click on the titles to hear samples, learn more, and/or snatch up MP3s. This special flash sale will run through Monday.  Also check out his FREEBIE area for lots of awesome finds (his Number Eatin' Alligator song is hiding in there).

10's Lift Off
Push play to start and pause to stop :)
You can incorporate great movements with this one. Have your kiddos pretend they are the rocket ship! 

It's awesome to have such a talented dad . . . my kiddos get special live concerts :)
Well . . . that's it today.  Check back tomorrow for a new weekly feature - Movement Mondays.  I'll be showcasing different strategies that I employ in my classroom to help get my kiddos up and moving throughout the day.  Thanks for visiting my friends.  Happy Daddy Day :)


  1. That is so cool that Ron Brown is your dad! My students and I have loved all of the songs I have purchased so far! They make great little fitness breaks. Thanks for the flash sale. I am off to purchase those songs! :)

  2. Jennifer . . . you are so sweet! Thanks oh-so much for the shout out. I am going over for dinner tonight and I am going to have to show him your comment. It will make his night :)

  3. You're welcome! I just picked up the Happy Birthday Boogie and the Grammar/English CD! Grammar is not my favorite subject to teach so I can't wait to add the songs to my lessons to make it a little more fun for both the students and myself! :) Have fun celebrating Father's Day tonight!

    Delighted in Second

    1. Whoop . . . whoop . . . Grammar/English is one of my faves. The possibilities are endless and it makes teaching language much more enjoyable. Thanks again :)

  4. Kelley- This was a great post. I love your dad's songs. How cool? I bet your students love when he comes and visits. I am so glad you shared them. Hope you have a wonderful Father's Day!

    Miss Nelson's blog

    1. Thanks Michele! The kiddos love visits from Mr. B . . . as do I :).

  5. I feel quite embarrassed to say...I have never heard of your dad or intelli-tunes:( BUT...I JUST checked out the freebies and LOVE them:) I plan on purchasing some today! Thanks so much! Enjoy your fathers day with your dad!
    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

    1. It's all good in the hood . . . thanks for taking the time to check him out! He is going to love seeing all of these comments. I wrote this post a couple of days ago and saved it as a extra present for him today.

  6. That is so cool. I love his music and so do the kids :) Thanks for sharing such a great post today.:)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

    1. Yay . . . thanks for visiting and taking the time to post. You're the BEST Heidi :)

  7. Replies
    1. My heart is so happy reading all of these comments. He is going to love seeing this. Thanks for taking the time to post, Amber! I read about your daddy-o too. I am glad you got to spend time with him before his trip . . . how was Rock of Ages??

  8. Just found your blog because you found my blog today!! That's your DAD!!! Oh how fun!

    1. Thanks Sarah . . . it's a pretty cool thing for sure :)

  9. Wow that is so awesome that your Dad started a blog and writes music for kids! It must be great to share the love of teaching with your parent.

    1. It is super cool getting to share teaching with my pops. Whenever I need a song to go with a standard, I have free access to his inventory . . . or I can ask him to write me a new one :) Thanks so much for poppin' over for a visit. I'll see you for the next Daily 5 link up.

  10. OH MY GOSH!!! Sooooo I was just looking at our math songs folder we have on our school server and just take a guess at who sings all those songs?!?!? Get out! We have listened to them ALL year long.. so much that we knew them by heart and even had choreographed moves to them! What a small world? Tell your dad he is just amazing and we love his songs! We listened to them with each new math concept we learned. You are super lucky to have live concerts! If y'all are ever in Austin next school year.... just saying... :) Oh and your classroom is just adorable! Love it!

    Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class

    1. Mr. B is going to get a kick out of this . . . I am going over for dinner tonight and I will show him your post. It will surely make his day. Thanks for the shout out on my roomy-room too :)

    2. Eheheh! How exciting! :) I just cannot get over that we have all of his songs at my school and I've been using them! I knew his name sounded familiar! I'll have to tell my kids next year that I've talked to his daughter! I'm sure that'll blow their minds! You're so welcome for the link. I think your blog is just absolutely the CUTEST. Definitely one of my favorites :)

      Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class

  11. That's awesome!!!! I feel like you dad is famous in the blog-teaching world!! That's all I hear about now :) Thanks for sharing those sweet pictures. I've loved seeing all these family pictures today. Have a great day with your famous daddy! :) hehe

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    1. Thanks Katie. I always love seeing family pictures too :) Hence . . . I just checked out your new About Me section. Your little one is soooooooo cute.

  12. Who would have thought that he was your dad?! I've heard of Intelli-Tunes, but haven't ever checked them out. I just listed to some of the freebies! Love the Where Do I Live song! Thanks for letting us in on the secret :)

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Yay . . . thanks for taking the time to take a little "listen," Kate. Have a great Sunday :)

  13. Kelly, I am sooo glad you stopped by my lil' ol' blog. I cannot believe your dad is THE Ron Brown. His math CD came with Number Corner (our calendar piece). We listen to his songs everyday - my kiddos just love them!! I just had to order AR Pirate sound...it's going to be my new theme next year :)

    Treasures for Teaching

    1. Monica . . . so glad to be all matched up now :) Thanks for all the wonderful things you said about my pops. We just got back from lunch at the in-laws and in a few hours I get to show all of these sweet comments to my dad. Thanks again!

  14. How stinkin' cool is this??? I can't wait to peruse the cds more :) Love using music in my classroom!

    Just a little sidenote- have you noticed how fast this little blog of yours is growing??? You are SUCH a rockstar :)

    1. The cat is out of the bag . . . hehehe!! You are so sweet. My little old bloggy-blog is growing like a weed (thanks to your HUGE support). I heart you girl!!!!

  15. Thank you so much for stopping by our blog. We are now following you too!! I have never heard of intelli-tunes, but after just listening to a few, I am hooked!!! I am going to invest in these definitely. Your dad is very talented. :) Can't wait to come back and read more of your posts!

    1. Wowzers . . . thanks so much for swinging by so quickly! I loved your blog and I am glad that we are connected now. I will be checkin' on you two LOTS! Thanks for taking the time to listen to my pop. So glad to hear you liked what ya heard :)

  16. What an awesome secret and a great post. Happy Father's Day to your Pop!!! I love the picture of him hugging you with your little yellow hoddie on. I'm heading on over to check out his songs. Thanks so much for sharing your secret with us.
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

    1. Stacy, my girl . . . how you been? Thanks so much for stoppin' in for another little visit with me and for checkin' into my pop. The cat is officially out of the bag :)

  17. SO COOL!! Tell your poppa I said Happy father's day!! I can't wait to use his CDs in my classroom next year!!

    Anddd your wedding pictures are GORGEOUS, seriously!

    Can't wait to meet you next month :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  18. I have never heard of intelli-tunes. I have been looking for some fun music to incorporate. I'm on my way to check out your dad's music right after I finish this post!
    How amazing it must be for you to be able to share your dad with your students! I bet everyone enjoys his visits.
    By the way, can you thank him for his music and also for being so generous!
    Thank you.
    Amy K.
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  19. I have two of his CDs! Math Concepts I and II. The kids LOVE them!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog RE: Daily 5. Hope you get your books soon!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  20. Awww, what a sweet post and an amazing Dad. I found you Mrs. Bainbridges's Class and I'm your newest follower.

    Kinder-Craze on Facebook

  21. Wow... SOO COOL!!! I Love Love Love his CD's and play them all the time in my class! Please send him my thanks for his dedication to the teaching world! :)
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  22. My heart is so full . . . thanks you guys. My dad has been reading all of the comments and he is really touched. It was the perfect Father's Day :)

  23. I haven't checked out my blogs in about a week! After your email, I had to come read about your daddy. Now I wouldn't trade my daddy for anything in the whole wide world, but I would have loved to be invited to a slumber party at your house!!

    1. You are too cute! Yup . . . he was good times for sure (and still is). Hugs to ya Miss Snowden :)
