April 16, 2012


Hi gang!  For those of you who went back today I hope it was a good one . . . or at least a manageable one.  I jumped up at 5:30 ready to pump through my new garden/plant unit, but I ended up crashing and burning by 1:30 today.  Who knows what I ate, but those new guts of mine were oh-so angry with me!  I guess the doc was right . . . I am not quite ready to go back.  

With this said, I didn't exactly reach my goal today.  BUT . . . stick with me.  I should have it up tomorrow evening.  It has everything from money practice to science-based art projects.  I plan on doing a couple FREEBIES with this guy too!  Please check back in soon!  

On a blog-related note, I came across a sweet pet-themed "Linky Party" hosted by Soaring Through Second Grade! Tilly is one of the MAIN things that has kept me going through my long surgery recovery, so I figured I would join in the fun and give my pup a well-deserved shout out!  

Such a cutie! Check out her video as a pup . . . the cat
wasn't too sure about her.  I am the annoying one
in the background.
This is my girl the day we got her.
It was such a good idea the first day of Spring Break.
I had a HUGE panic attack that first Monday back to school, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions my honey and I have made!

Here she is last summer . . . helping us fish?!?
Always on watch.

Tilly goes everywhere with us. She gets so excited the moment
we break out our keys.
I could go on forever about my girl, but I will stop before I start to ramble.  Tilly is such a sweetheart and is truly part of our family.  I don't know what we'd do without her!  Tilly has taught me that "just jumping in" can turn out to be one of the best decisions you'll ever make!

Oh . . . and I can't forget to show you my other girl.  Lou is an 8-year old indoor-only cat.  She definitely has a mind of her own and dislikes most people, but not her mommy!  Lou has taught me that it is okay to eat whatever you want and NOT feel bad about yourself.  


  1. Hi Kelley!
    I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower! :)
    Can't wait to explore!

    A Pirates Life for Us

    1. Hi Jenn,

      Thanks so much for following me. Visited your bloggy-blog this morning . . . it's so cute! I am a follower of you now too!

  2. I love the name Tilly, and I love her pictures!!! I can tell she is a sweetie pie!!! I got Sadie the first day of my Christmas break five years ago, and when I had to leave her to go back to school, I cried. I probably shouldn't have kids if I can't even leave my dogs at home, right? :) And Lou's right- eat what you want and don't feel bad about it! :-) I love that!!!

    1. Your Linky Party was so much fun. It was my first :) That's so funny about your dog, Sadie (my childhood dog's name). My husband can't force himself to leave Tilly at home. So . . . she actually goes to work with him every morning and sleeps behind his desk until he takes lunch. This way she only has to be home for a couple hours without us! You should have seem my hubby trying to figure out a way to still bring her into the office the AM after she got nailed by a skunk :).

      Thanks again for hosting the party and letting me join in the fun.

  3. Hi Kelley! It's so nice to meet you. Your Tilly is beautiful! I'm Dianne and I teach all the way over on the East coast and I'm now your newest follower - yay!
    Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching

    1. Thanks for taking the time to visit! Your pup is a cutie. I visited your blog this morning and I am your newest follower :) Happy Tuesday!

  4. Tilly is a cutie!
    I am your newest follower!
    Stop by my blog sometime.
    :) Tamera


  5. Hi Kelley:

    I found your blog through Michelle at 3AM. What a fun place to be!

    I am excited to be your newest follower...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    1. Hi Kim,

      Thanks so much for stopping in . . . you got a follower right back!!!

  6. I wish my girl liked car rides-it's always quite the event to get her in the car! That pic of her sleeping the day you brought her home is just priceless!


    1. I checked out the photos of your little cutie too . . . love the baby picture :) Melts my heart. I am your newest follower :)

