June 14, 2015


Well, I made it [[fist pump]]!  It was wild and insanely busy ride, but this final week of mine played out dang near perfectly for little ol' me.  "Perfect" sounds a bit snobbish.  Know that I am not referring to my teaching, as we all know that's NEVER perfect . . . hehehehe.  However, my final week working at my little school, my big move, and saying goodbye were the things that turned out so well.  So, on that note, I give you a Five For Friday that has an extra special place in my heart.  It's probably more for me than for you.  However, I am tossing this one out there anyway :)

This year taught me so much about myself and my teaching.  It wasn't always the easiest, but we fought our way through and these little sweeties made some great growth.  We had a great final run filled with lots of play and good cheer. Good luck and happy summer to all the sweeties of ROOM 13 :)

When the kids exited on Thursday, the staff celebrated with the 3rd Annual Pub Crawl.  Teachers, aides, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, etc. all got together for some adult beverages, fabulous prizes, chatter, and dancing. These crawls are always so much fun as Evergreen has the sweetest staff around.  
Yes, there was a megaphone involved.
I'm sure the other bar patrons loved us . . . hehehehe.
Just look at these fabulous prizes . . .
An empty box of copy toner.
If you work at Evergreen, you know!!! 
We swarmed the streets.
SUCH a wonderful crew!
Yes, I bumped tunes from my portable box as we crawled.
What can I say?  It was the LAST day of school.

Speaking of the sweetest staff . . . this is what made my exit so terribly hard this year. Evergreen has been my home away from home for 8 long years and some of my BEST friends in the world are here. Turning in my key was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do.  It was like losing a part of me. I am SO excited for my next chapter, but saying goodbye is so difficult.  A huge piece of my heart will always belong to my favorite little country school. 

One of our fearless admins.
She brought a positive light and energy back to our campus.
She always went above and beyond and was right there to cheer you on.
She's one of a kind.
Some of my favorite ladies in the world.
Teaching friendships are priceless!
Gonna miss my old neighbor.
The laughs and utter shenanigans were endless.

He's one in a million.
An empty lanyard and classroom felt so weird.
I cried my eyes out in the parking lot, but I didn't look back.

Lord . . . where do I even begin on number 4?  It is SUCH a big one. Well, let's just say that I was one of the luckiest teachers in the world this year. When are you ever in a position to job share with one of your BEST friends? Well, that was me last year. Not working with you is going to be like trying to teach without my right arm . . . seriously, Court. Thanks for the laughs, tears, support, and love. I wouldn't have survived this LONG round without you :) Good luck in your new adventure. B.C. is SO lucky to have you.

My partner in crime . . . doing what she does best :)
This was after "crawling" for a bit ;)
Dolling and her crazy eyes!

Well, in the words of Porky . . . That's All Folks.  I get my new key to my new classroom at my new school on Monday.  My life's passion is currently jam- packed in my garage.  

This isn't even the final picture.  It's completely full now :)
The boy damn near had a heart attack at the sight of his beloved man-space.

On a final note, I can't help but get a little sentimental about it all.  {Again, this post is more for me and my co-workers than anything . . . so please excuse the gushing.}  Evergreen was a magical place that believed in me enough to kick start my career eight short years ago.  It feels like a lifetime, but a mere blink at the same time.  I have been such a hot mess this week -- emotional as all get out and crying at the drop of a hat. {My husband doesn't know quite what to do with me.}  Being so excited and so sad at the same time really does a number on someone.  With this said, it's obvious that this special little country school made a lasting impression on me. I will forever miss you, Evergreen. Thanks for one hell of a ride.  

One last look before I go.


  1. LOVE that you did a pub crawl with the teaching staff!!! So fun! Good luck on your adventures at your new school! I changed school this last year and while it was bittersweet, it was an amazing new adventure! Enjoy the summer!
    Moore to Learn

  2. I think Winnie the Pooh said it best, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." I kept telling myself that as I said goodbye to one of my hardest classes ever that had become one of my faves. Take care sweet lady!
