April 26, 2015


The chaos known as May will be here before we know it.  This means Mother's Day will be on top of us in no time.  Knowing this, I wanted to get my thoughts on this special Day squared away now.  Who knew I could be such a forward thinker?  I shock myself sometimes ;)

With all this said, I totally broke the mold yesterday and came up with a Mother's Day card for my crew to make this year.  You read that right.  Dolling made a craft.  (Um . . . You know what just froze over.)  It took me all darn day and lots of failed samples to figure out how to get my vision into something kids could easily make, but I finally got there and I am happy with my creation. 

Yep . . . I made a folding card . . . hence my trouble in the sample department. I am NOT a spacial person and two little folds can be killer for a person like me. Overall I think it works out in everyone's favor though.  Why? I can only handle simple crafts with very minimal steps . . . similar to the ability of a little first grader :)  Ha!  This ditty also comes with a personalized writing element.  I wanted my kids to be able to draft a special message that came straight from their hearts.   

This day is always a special day for me and many of the kids in my class. (My mom makes my world go round.) However, I have noticed lately that more and more of my students do not have moms in their lives.  It breaks my heart to see their little faces droop when it's time to make something for mommy.  I tried to minimize this by being proactive in my card creation.  I made a special person template for these kids to use. It looks just like the Mother's Day version, but talks about it being a wonderful day and can be given to anyone. I know this doesn't fix the problem, but hopefully it lessens the blow a bit.

We just completed our cards in class.  The kids were delighted with the fact that it folded.  A bunch of them kept showing all of the other kids how their card "grew."  These little sweeties didn't seem to notice that the classmate they were showing this AMAZING thing to had just made the same exact thing.  I call that a small victory for sure ;)

Our grade level always hosts a special Mother's Day Drop-In. Students' moms come in for a little afternoon reading party, sweet treats, and other fun.  It is always such a lovely day.  

Do you do something special at your school for mothers?  I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.  Just in case you do . . . I made up a quick and easy invite to share.  This is really open-ended and is not mommy specific (so those sweet babies without moms can use it to invite another important woman in their lives).  I wanted it to work for all sorts of different school or classroom mommy events too :)  CLICK HERE to snag this freebie.

Finally, if you host a special Mother's Day ditty, do you have your kiddos perform anything?  I know some of my teacher friends do.  If you are looking for a mom-specific tune to belt out this year . . . I have just the song for you. Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes has the sweetest Mom song.  This song is on special this month . . . only 99 cents for the tune, instrumental, and printable lyrics.  Catch a sample of this sweet song HERE.  It will surely fill the hearts of all the special women attending your event :)

Alright, I am out of here.  My May Math Station Packet is screaming my name (it will be up by the 1st . . . PROMISE).  Thanks for the visit.  I hope you have a great Sunday my friends.  See you soon :)



  1. Thanks for the Mother's Day song tip! I wanted to use the Kiboomu's song but your recommendation sounds much better!

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