March 7, 2015


It has been ages since I jumped in on one of these . . . it's time to officially end the FIVE FOR FRIDAY slump :)  Here's a look-see at our oh so fun week.  

It was a whirlwind of a trip . . . down the state and back in less than 48 hours. However, it was worth every second of my coma-like state on Sunday.  Not only did I get to soak up some amazing teacher knowledge and present math games to a crowd of educators, but I also had the opportunity to hang with some of my favorite ladies on this planet.  I am so glad to be an "honorary" member of the SoCal crew :)

Kinder Crayons, Some Crazy Bag Lady, Fantastic First Grade Froggies, 
Dragonflies in First, A Teeny Tiny Teacher, KFUNdamentals, 
and Kreative in Kinder :) 
What a crew . . . what a crew.  
Wish we had had more time to hang together.
LOVE my NorCal travel buddy.
Fantastic First Grade Froggies . . . let's hang again soon :)

I rolled off of the plane and into Seuss week . . . game on!  This week absolutely levels you as a teacher (I'm sure you are right there with me), but it is one of my favorites.  The kids get SO excited about every little thing that you do.  If only I could figure out how to harness this enthusiasm for a random lesson on missing addends!

Truffula Tree pencils during Seuss Stations
Thing One and Thing Two were part of our class on Monday!
More Seuss Station fun :)
"That" CAT brought out the best in them.
Just look at that work :)

I wish I had more pictures of our fun, but alas, that camera of mine ended up getting forgotten about most days.  BLARG!

Our Special Projects Principal came up with an amazing Book Bingo idea.  It was the perfect Family Night activity during Read Across America Week.  We asked our students to send in books from home that they no longer wanted. Yup . . . you guessed it, the books became bingo prizes.  It was such a fun evening and it was so awesome seeing the kiddos get all excited about winning new reading material :)

We had a nice turn out . . . even more came after I took this photo. 
The principals and I took turns calling and telling jokes.
It was right up my alley!

I have blogged about this before, but just in case you missed it, let me pause for just a moment.  We finally introduced time to the hour and 1/2 hour this week.  And, the beloved licorice clocks made an appearance.  I had the crew hanging on every single word I said during our whole class lesson . . . #teachervictory.

"Mrs. D . . . take a picture of me rubbing my belly!"
Hehehehehehe . . . no problem, kid :)

Okay, I am going to unintentionally rub it in just a little bit.  We had temps in the 70s this week.  I know . . . I know . . . how dare I utter such numbers. However, it made for some glorious PE time.  We played Clean Your Room for the first time this year and the kids were all about it.  Boys against girls just brings out the fight in them :)  

If you haven't played this one, it's an quick and easy one to stick in your back pocket.  You just need a caged area, two sides, and some tennis balls.  Place the balls on the center line.  On your signal, the teams work together to "clean their room" or toss all of the balls to the other side. If a team has ZERO balls on their side at any given time, they win the round. The giggles are contagious.

Alright, so there you have it.  Five For Friday on a Saturday.  I hope you had a stellar week.  I will be back soon with something I've had in the works for a while now.  Enjoy your weekend my friends :)


  1. Book BINGO!!! I love this idea! Part of my job as our school's LA Coordinator is to plan activities like this for families - I'm definitely stealing this one! I would be happy with just temps above freezing right now in CT! Next week could hit 50 - a huge heat wave given our ridiculous winter! Enjoy the sun and warmth! ~ Lisa

  2. Love the licorice clocks idea. I'm going to have to do that when we start time after spring break.

  3. That was such a great weekend! Yes, let's get together soon. Us NorCal girls need to stick together :) By the way, I love the licorice clocks!
