March 27, 2015


There's a monkey on your head!  You shoe is untied!  Knock, knock...!!! You guessed it.  April Fools day is a comin' to the primary classroom and the kids are going to be dishin' out all sorts of high quality jokes.  With this said, why not turn the tables on our little babes and play the greatest classroom joke of all? Let's slip in some quality learning without them even knowing it!  April Fools Day just so happens to lend itself perfectly to writing.   

I have been running with joke writing and silly stories during the beginning of April for quite a few years now.  The level of work you receive will absolutely blow your mind and your sweeties will be ALL smiles the whole time. That's what I call a #teachervictory.  

Here are some ideas for April Fools Day learning.  I have all packet ready to go for this, but you can easily run with these ideas on your own as well.  

This is a classic center writing station.  I picked up this idea a few years back from a Pat (an awesome Kindergarten teacher in my wing).  Brainstorm various animals and list them on the board.  Talk about things these animals can do and one very outlandish thing they can't do.  If you teach first or second, you may choose to break out some non-fiction animal books and turn this into a fact finding ditty too.  Once they have their animal selected and a few facts in mind, set up the following outline on the board . . . 

A ________ can __________.
A ________ can __________.
A ________ can __________.
But, a __________ cannot __________!

Then . . . let 'em fly.  Just wait until you see what what oozes out of your little darlings.  Be sure to take a moment to host an author's chair.  This is one of my favorite share outs of the year :)

This one was about a dog.
He can run fast.
He can chase cats.
He can do a hand stand.
(She explained . . .  when I hold his paws).
But, he can't cross his eyes and stick out his tongue.
Even your shy guys will get up and knock your socks off.
He was all about his crazy monkey.
Man, I miss this kid.
Get yo-self to the dollar store and pick up a small group set of the Groucho Marx glasses this weekend.  I promise that the few dollars spent will come back in spades!  Pin spelling words, vocab, sight words, parts of speech, math facts, fact families around the room.  Explain it like any other hunt and record activity. Then, bring out those glasses.  I have been doing this one for years and the class always erupts when they catch that first glimpse of these silly things.  I know what you're thinking . . . a few reservations, perhaps??!!  It may have crossed your mind . . . they aren't going to work with those things on . . . they are just going to dink around during the hunt.  Ironically, it's just the opposite.  They WANT to wear those glasses . . . it makes it novel for them.  If you frontload this one before they get going, you will have them working harder than ever on the center hunt.  No joke :)

They always get so serious during the hunt.
I can't help but quietly giggle from my teacher table.

I have a ready-made parts of speech hunt in my packet.  However, if this doesn't float your boat, I made it EDITABLE.  We aim to please around here :)

The ever classic Knock-Knock jokes will be in full swing by Wednesday.  (If I had a dollar for every time I heard the "Boo-Who" one, I'd be RICH.)  With this said, let's embrace the all-mighty Knock-Knock and have some fun with it.  I like to send a little slip home asking parents to help their child come up with a Knock-Knock joke to tell in class.  This is perfect for listening and speaking and it gets that school-to-home connection going. 

The share out is EPIC.
The kids giggle for days.

But, I don't stop here.  I like to set up a writing center station once they get their feet wet in the joke department.  Copy a bunch of Knock-Knock jokes and stock your rotation. The kids will spend FOREVER reading these and they won't even think twice. Before the center ends, have your babes select their favorite joke and copy it onto a writing template.  In the afternoon, we make the perfect house to display our silliness . . . 

These look oh so amazing up on the wall and the kids are all about it.  We take a moment to share these too.  They cruise the room and find reading partners right before we go home.  The laughter is contagious and the kids are so proud of their work . . . jokes are the best.  This craft template and a bunch of print and go Knock-Knock jokes are in my packet.  

All of these templates and more are available in my Joke Mini Packet.  I made this collection über generic so you can roll with it at any time . . . not just around April Fools Day. In addition, most of the templates are editable. Just drop in a text box and make the activity fit your EXACT needs.  

Alright, I am out of here.  I have BIG things cooking today.  Can't wait to see as they unfold . . . I'll be sure to share as soon as they play out.  Huge hugs and merry almost weekend my friends.  Oh, and by the way . . . THERE'S A MONKEY ON YOUR HEAD :)


  1. So fun! My kiddos will love this pack. Off to add it to my wishlist to get on my Sunday shopping day.

  2. You are hilarious, friend! I can only imagine the giggles.
    Always Kindergarten

  3. There are the perfection shown by the students and they are almost able to form every possible fact in this regard and there is also need to substantiate every possible stance. scientific manuscript editing
