November 22, 2014


It has been ages since I have jumped in on Doodle's awesome weekly linky.  It sounds stilly, but it feels like I am missing out on some big party every time the weekend rolls around and I fail to post. Well, Mrs. Dolling put on her big girl panties this week and kept her camera handy.  I managed to get enough footage to cobble one of these together. So, without wasting a moment more with all this yammering, I bring you a wacky Five For Friday (on a Saturday - go figure).  

We had a string of rainy days this week mixed with constant interruption - lockdown drills, countless office phone calls, an assembly, Thanksgiving play practice, hot dogs . . . the works I tell ya.  With this said, I KNOW that y'all KNOW exactly what this does to your classroom routines and systems.  I was doing everything I could to stay ahead of them by the time the afternoon rolled around.  Well, Kim Sutton's Random Numbers Activities were just what I needed to break up our math block.  The kiddos were engaged, learning, and quiet. PTL! Creative Mathematics definitely came through for me this week!  

This resource really rocks my socks!
CLICK HERE to check Kim's books out.
Love them all :)
Along the random and constant interruption note, you thought I was being my usual nutty self when I wrote "hot dog" in the paragraph above, huh??  Well, it ain't as out of left field as you might think.  After lunch on Monday, as the kids are walking back in the door, a babe calls out, "Hey, there's a hot dog on the floor."  I thought it was from the kitchen set.  Therefore, I chose to pick my battle and ignore it.  Um, my mistake.  Within seconds, five or more kids were circled around an object on the floor (with more sweeties exiting the carpet with each tick of the clock).  Yup.  There was a piece of hot dog on the floor and it took about 10 minutes to calm them back down.  Okay, so I was laughing uncontrollably and that probably fed the situation. However, you just gotta go with the flow in first grade :)

I used a tissue to pick it up.  #sogross
These boys asked to pose in the picture.
Speaking of the staying ahead of them line (especially right after the hot dog incident), I tried some out of the box transitions to help keep 'em in line.  One in particular stood out as my favorite.  We completed a math paper and I asked them to file their corrected papers in their mailboxes.  However, I asked them to walk with their paper on their head.  This transpired into a silent transition . . . #teachervictory!  Try this one when they are antsy and you can feel a loud transition brewing.  It works - at least once ;) 

Our annual 1st Grade Thanksgiving Play was on Thursday night.  Although we weren't quite sure how it was going to turn out this year, the babes pulled it off when things mattered most.  SWOON!  Our students performed, sang a little song, and  stated why they are thankful. It was a sweet little evening and I was very thankful for my crew . . . and awesome co-teacher!

SO . . . my December Math Centers, Activities, & More pack is already up. Sometimes I surprise myself :) This round is differentiated for both 1st and 2nd grade and . . . wait for it . . . EVERY SINGLE activity is editable!  This pack includes a song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes (like usual) and it even contains a fun little math craft.  

Here is just a peek at some of the items included!

I also have a Noun packet that is nearly finished (one more activity write up) and a digraph collection (SH to be specific) that is 3/4 of the way done! Gonna buckle down this week and get 'er done.  

These two are COMING SOON!  GO KELLEY, GO!!!!

Alright, that's it from this girl.  Thanks so much for visiting me today. I am off to work on the postcard exchange and then it is down to Chico to meet a fellow Nor Cal Blogger . . . Renee from Fantastic First Grade Froggies.  YAY!


1 comment:

  1. Go Kelly go!! haha!! Because you know I need it all! <3
