September 19, 2014


ARRRRRRGGGGG . . . me thinks me found the treasure!  Did y'all know that it is International Talk Like a Pirate Day?  I sure didn't until the sweet Mel (From the Pond) alerted me to this fun little fact.  The crazy thing is that I have been working on a pirate-themed question pack all stinkin' week . . . Captain Question Mark.  #ohtheirony.

To help celebrate, I am joining forces with a bunch of sweet scallywags to bring you some serious pirate fun! You can score oodles of pirate booty in one quick little hop.  Each blog will bring you more free treasure.    

You can "dig up" my treasure by clicking on the image below.  It's a fun pirate themed statement vs. question page.  It's sure to delight your little buccaneers this fall. 

You can also click on the image below to find that a bunch of my writing resources are on sale today! It's all about selling the sizzle of sentences and paragraphs!!  Blimey, that's what I call good news!  

Captain Question Mark (my latest ditty) is among the "booty" on sale.  It is way out of the box and the kids are all about it every year.  I finally packaged it :)

Don't forget to pillage some other posts for more great teaching treasures (the links are below)!  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit.  I will be back Sunday to showcase some fun question mark ideas and activities that you can start using immediately.