July 27, 2014


I am coming to you via Canada today!  How ya like them maple leaves?  Yup, we are out and about on a ten day West Coast road trip.  We are heading into day four of the big vacay and we arrived in beautiful Vancouver, BC yesterday. What's on the agenda today?  Um . . . I don't know.  We are one of those make it up as we go kinda couples.  I do think I see a bike ride in Stanley Park headed our way this afternoon :)

Alright, enough about my travels.  I wanted to quickly highlight my latest packet and toss out a fun freebie since Back to School is headed our way oh so soon. My teaching partner and I decided to switch things up this year and we are trying out a new theme together.  We are rollin' with the whole ROCK STAR STUDENT idea.  I am beside myself.  This is so up my right up my alley.  

We will be "selling the sizzle" of  how to be a rock star in class and ways to help out the band (classmates).  It's going to be EPIC!  Our first week is all rock star/band themed.  Everything from our writing assignments to math games and the helper of the day will sport rockin' flavor.  And, you can bet that the Rules Rap from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes is included in this collection (you get the MP3 as part of the deal).  Queen La-Teacher is definitely making a killer come back this year in good old Room 13!  

We wanted to come up with a name scramble craft for the first day.  (I absolutely love to get student work up on the walls as quickly as possible!) Check out the flashy guitar down below.  It's simple, low-prep, and perfect for our new theme.  These are going to look so cute on our classroom sky wire.  If you teach 2nd, this guitar would make a super cute writing topper.

We also wanted a themed all about me book.  I was on a creative roll one day and this popped into my head - A LITTLE NOTE ABOUT ME.  Holla . . . it's a music note flip book :)  We all know how the little babes struggle with cutting. Don't worry . . . it's made from three simple shapes - circle, rectangle, and a triangle.  These will be going up on our walls ASAP as well.  

I can't blab at you about my packet and not let you get something out of the deal.  I just don't roll that way.  So, I have one of the themed writing templates for you to snag today.  I included all three levelized templates too!  Pick the one that works best for your kids and grade.  After we go over the rules rap a handful of times, we will be asking our kids to name a way they can be a rock star student.  I love writes like this . . . and, yes, I will be hanging this one immediately as well :)

CLICK HERE to snag this freebie write!

I made a Handwriting ROCKS Pack to go along with this fun theme too.  I am super excited to be able to "sell" the idea of printing letters in a fun way!  It has a spelling element, editable templates, and fun homework where the kids challenge their parents to a printing showdown . . . BATTLE OF THE HANDS :)  

If you are interested in taking a look-see at the Rock Star Pack, pop over to my TPT shop.  It was designed for grades K-2 (multiple levelized templates for each activity and editable elements as well).  

Alright, I am out of here.  I'm off to shower and hit the streets of Vancouver. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me today.  I'll see you in a few days my friends.  


PEN PAL UPDATE - 7/27 (9:15)
As you know, I am on vacation and the email process has stalled.  However, I did bring the matches with me.  I am slowly getting K emails out this week - I work while the better half is still out like a light.  The rest of you will be contacted when I return!  Sorry for the delay my friends - I promise they are all coming soon.  
  2. Special Ed - TODAY! COMPLETE!
  3. Kinder - Week of July 27th
  4. 1st - Week of August 4th 
  5. 2nd - Week of August 4th
  6. 3rd - Week of August 4th
  7. 4th - Week of August 4th 
  8. 5th - By Thursday (7/24) COMPLETE!
  9. 6th + 7th + 8th - By Thursday (7/24) COMPLETE!


  1. Your class is going to be adorable; love the theme!!!! Hope you're enjoying your trip :)

    Dirty Hands & Lesson Plans

    1. Hey Katie . . . so glad to see you pop up on my blog. Thanks for taking the time to say hello :)

  2. Enjoy your vacation! I don't usually comment, but since I live in Vancouver, I figured I should let you know that you have at least one follower out this way. Thanks for the freebie!

    1. I am so glad that you commented! This is my first time here . . . it's such an amazing city :)

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