July 17, 2014


OMGOSH, folks . . . did I just type that??  Heaven help me.  BACK TO SCHOOL??!!!  Really?  **sigh**  

I am not ready to drag my bum out of bed before the sun comes up. I'm not ready to have to cut out all fluid intake {aligning yourself with the "bell" is SO hard}. And, I know I'm not ready to give up my 1:30 power nap.  However, is it strange that part of me is REALLY excited about school??  I know.  I know. Don't tell anyone.  We'll just call it "our little secret."

Alright, all silliness aside, I am super excited to bring you an update to my top selling product -- Good Morning Work.  After some serious nudging, I have jumped into producing CCSS 3rd Grade Morning Work.  Oh Lordy!  I am a little out of my comfort zone, but I have oodles of teachers chiming in on this set (thank you so much friends).  So, without further ado, I give you an August Good Morning Work Math collection for the big kids!

This month-long packet is focused on what your new crew should know when they walk in your door that first day.  Not only does it help quickly establish a morning job routine, but it also shows any gaps in learning that you may need to address before jumping into your 3rd grade curriculum.  As the year progresses, the content will get much more rigorous and the font size will slowly get smaller.    

Oh, and I should mention that I always "chunk" my topics.  In other words,  the students will see the same 7-8 standards for 5 days in a row.  I have found that this strategy fosters student independence and allows for concept mastery. 

But, don't take my word for it!  I can't have you jump in sight unseen with these things.  It just ain't my style.  With this said, why don't you try these "tester" pages with your babes for FREE??!! If you like what you see unfold in your classroom, come on back and treat yourself to the whole packet. 

Don't teach 3rd grade??  No worries . . . I have Back to School Morning Work sets for both 1st and 2nd grades!  Holla ;)



Oh, and to add a little fun to the mix, it's Christmas in JULY over at Blog Hoppin' and ALL of these packets (and the bundles) are on sale for 20% off through Friday at midnight.  How ya like them popsicles, my friends??  

Alright, if I don't get off of the electronic box, I won't have a husband come morning.  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me my friends.  Big hugs and I'll see you soon with the huge Pen Pal Pair Up event (this Saturday to be exact . . . wink . . . wink).

Always wanted to do pen pals in your classroom?
I can help you get started and find you that match!
Come on back and see what it's all about on Saturday (7/19/14)!


  1. I am so excited for this!! Will you be creating both subjects for the whole year like 1st and 2nd? Thanks for sharing! :-)

    1. Kristina . . . I will be making the whole year. Many teachers at my school will be using this packet so I am hooked into doing the complete set! Look for each packet to come out about 1 week prior to the end of the month (i.e. October's will come out in late September).

  2. I have almost all of your months of work! They are awesome and the kids love them! Thank you for creating one for August as well. :)

    1. So pleased to hear that you like these! Thanks for taking the time to tell me :)
