March 30, 2014


Holy wind gusts folks . . . this week was crazy.  I know all you alls know what wind does to a crew of kiddies.  And, I also know that you know the effect that really BIG gusts of wind have on babes.  Let's just say that it was everything I could do to stay ahead of 'em and keep the lid on tight.  I swear herding feral cats would have been easier. Despite the extra "excitement" this week, we still managed to have a great "round" together.  I just needed a quick and dirty power nap as soon as I walked in the door each day - you know, the kind that elicits drool puddles.  

Alright, so here you be.  Five For Friday (oh so late on a Saturday).  Better late than never right??!!  

My kids are all about sports this year, so we continued with our basketball theme this week.  The kids encountered a common hoop-theme in their reading centers, writing activities, and math games.  It was good times for sure.  

They rocked the Basketball Spin + Graph!
The follow up questions were a breeze for my babes :)
Bought a great packet from Jessica Williams.
Her centers were perfect for reading group rotations!

We have been working on that tricky 10 More/10 Less . . . concept.
So, we played Beat the Shot Clock from my Get in the Game Pack.  
They loved it . . . didn't even know they were working.
They had 12 seconds to put the # called into the correct box on their sheet.
We corrected it on the "DINOSAUR" after each number was called.

I couldn't figure out why I didn't have that many pictures to download this week. Then I realized that the math training I attended ALL DAY on Tuesday factored into this sad showing.  It was one less day with my crew :(  The presenters were sweeter than sweet and I managed to get a few take aways. However, it was all based on our new scripted math program, which just ain't my style. Needless to say, I will be making TONS of fun math products and games next year to help me supplement.  Just sayin' . . . 

I am so sorry that I am so late with these this month.  Life just happened and I got behind on the creation of these two monthly packs.  I hammered out the reading set yesterday no prob, but got stuck trying to finish up the math set today.  These are finally finished and all posted for you.  I may or may not have been seen doing jumping jacks and squats after every five pages to help get the blood flowing to my brain . . . but, if you ask me I'll deny it all ;)


As usual, I chunked my topics.  You will see five consecutive days of the same 6-8 Common Core standards.  This will help your kiddos be much more independent with these rigorous end of the year spiral review concepts.  Good thing, cuz I really upped the ante in the array, word problem, and regrouping departments in the math set :)  Don't worry . . . I think I "walked that fine line" between being too hard and being just right!

As always, I am offering up FREE tester pages from both packets.  Click on the images below to snag one or both sets.  If you like what you see, come on back and treat yourself to the whole pack.  They're only $3 for a month's worth of meaningful learning . . . holla!

Oh . . . and if you are a first grade teacher, I've got you covered too.  Click to see the April Reading and Math Packets.

I preached my absolute L-O-V-E for GoNoodle last week.  Well, my affection for this FREE program has definitely reached an all time high after another fun 5-day run with the program.  I swear that crazy wind {see above} would have done us in if it weren't for the NOODLE!  We tried out Maximo's Yoga all week. The kids were squealing and groaning . . . it was classic.  One little girl hollered, "WOW!!  I feel so much better!"  I swear to goodness, folks . . . I just can't make this stuff up. If you haven't tried out GoNoodle, you just have to give it a go - click the icon below to check it out.  It's free and you can set up a demo class while you check things out.  This is hands down the best find of my teaching career! Now that's what I call a teachin' tool :)  

The kids always get a real big kick out of April Fools' Day.  Six year olds always come up with the craziest ways to try and trick you.  It's so dippy and I love it. As the holiday started looming, I realized that I could leverage this silly day into some outlandish learning.  BOOM!  The No Foolin' {April Fools' Day Mini Pack} was born.  This little ditty offers all kinds of goodies to help get you through a learning-filled April Fools' Day {and a few more days too boot}.

On Tuesday, my kids will be participating in a home to school project.  They are going to come up with a joke to present to the class {the note did say no potty humor please . . . even though I think it's pretty funny stuff}.  The kids are going to deliver their jokes to the class {and the neighboring Kinders} during the front half of the week.  I'm breaking out the karaoke machine for sure! Listening and speaking skills will NEVER be the same I am afraid :)  Oh . . . and Tuesday/Wednesday are also going to be filled with silly centers, crazy writing projects, and giggle-filled activities.  I can't wait to make this one with the kiddies and get it up on the wall . . .

If you want to get into the silly spirit with your little darlings, click here to check out my No Foolin' Packet.  It's on sale today - along with everything else in my little 'ol TPT shop!  

Alright, I am out of here.  I'll see you soon with that Earth Day update I have been promising.  Oh, and be sure to check out the Hoppin' Into April Blog Hop I'm lucky enough to be a part of this weekend.  Oodles of great items are up for grabs.  Hugs y'all . . . here's to a great week :)  



  1. I love doing yoga in the classroom but have never tried GoNoodle!! On my way to check it out now :) Thank you so much for sharing... always better late than never. I swear I never get my 5 for Friday up on a Friday!

    XO, Kelly Anne

  2. Fabulous ideas all around! Just started following and I am a big fan:) p.s. GoNoodle is a staple in our class too. What would we do without our MegaMath Marathon?!

  3. The eai math tubs look great! I had something similar at an old school but couldn't bring it with me.
