March 10, 2014


Alright, I am going to make this short and sweet.  I had elaborate plans to draft up a grand old post, but alas, this girl is pooped.  I am sure you are all feeling the droopy-eyed joys associated with Daylight Savings time this evening . . . I know I am.  It also was my first day "back in the saddle" after a 7-week surgery leave.  It was a magical day, but I am P-OO-P-ED OUT!  

I am so excited about my latest pack.  I will have pictures of it in action in the big photo dump that is coming your way this Friday.  However, Until then, I wanted to quickly highlight this ditty - Play Dough Math!

Okay, so I know the whole dough thing ain't new.  However, I wanted to up the ante and tie this whole concept into the new common core standards.  I needed something new and engaging for my afternoon math tubs/centers that was still rigorous.  Well, I just so happened to find a killer deal on Play-Doh earlier this year and the pieces just fell into place.  I just know my babes are going to eat this one up. 

Not all of the activity options are shown here.
I still need to cut and laminate them {sigh}, but you get the picture!
Oh baby . . . look at those word probs!!
Each play dough activity mat also comes with a follow up paper-pencil ditty that can be completed during the center/tub rotation.  I figured I might want to roll with an accountability piece from time to time - especially when that mommy helper cancels on ya ;)

This pack targets 7 of the common core standards in first grade (check out the handy-dandy list below). However, I made these easily adaptable and open-ended so most of them can also be used with 2nd graders too!  And, for those templates that aren't adaptable, I tossed in EDITABLE options.  Oh yeah . . . did you start sweating just a bit??  BOOM!  We aim to please.  If this packet floats you boat, click here to get more deets.  

Alright, that's all I got in me tonight.  I will leave you with a little photo from my day.  It's actually my VERY favorite photo that I took today (and I snapped 45 of them). I surprised my babes with muffins this morning.  I looked up and this little one was licking the napkin clean . . . SWOON!  My heart does indeed belong to first graders.  Hugs y'all.  I'll see you very soon with a sweet giveaway.  I'm off to bed.  Night-night :)    


  1. This packet looks awesome. I just added to my cart and will be purchasing ASAP.
    I can't wait to start using. Thanks

  2. Welcome back Sister! That last picture is a killer!!!

  3. Looks great! I wonder if you could blog about parent helpers., It seems like no one ever blogs about that. I have so many parent helpers that they have to take turns helping. How do you use parent helpers? Have a great week. :-)

  4. Glad you're back at work...hope you are doing much better - as always, your posts make me smile. Love the picture of the little one eating her muffin...
