March 14, 2014


What a week.  WHAT A WEEK.  If you follow me, you know that I have been on surgery leave for the past 7 weeks.  Well, that all ended on Monday and I found myself "back in the saddle."  I am dog tired.  However, my lack of energy was worth every second I got to spend with my sweet crew.

I broke 'em in easy.  Started slow and re-established those routines.  Within a day we were off and runnin' . . . these guys didn't miss a beat.  I was one proud teacher.  With this said, it's time for a much needed photo MONTAGE.  It has been ages and I can't wait to throw it all out there.  So, without wasting a moment more, here you be.  A Five for Friday . . . Factory Style.  

We started our first day back together sans Good Morning Work.  Instead, we rolled with a morning meeting and some movement.  They got to reconnect with me and get some of that excess energy out.  Then, I gave them all BRAND NEW SUPPLIES.  I swear it was the best $100 I've spent all year.  The kids were so stoked to get new crayons, erasers, pencils, and glue sticks.  My sweeter than sweet mom even volunteered to help me redo all of their name tags on Sunday.  They were in heaven . . . and so was I.  We ended the event with a breakfast treat - mini muffins!  

This darling ditched the box and carefully lined up all of his crayons.
My heart melted.  
Thank goodness my phone was in my pocket.
She really liked her muffin :)
#napkinlicker #goshilovethiskid

I'm no dummy and I knew that my babes would have oodles that they wanted to tell me.  So, I ditched reading groups (whole class is the perfect way to re-train those babies) and we ran with a fun little "get it all out" write.  What was the engaging topic, you ask??  "There are three things that I just can't wait to tell Mrs. D!"  It worked like a charm.  You could hear a pin drop and their work was outstanding.  I told 'em to show off for me . . . **wink, wink**  

When we returned to the regular routine this week, I upped the ante in the center department.  The babes got to try out my latest pack . . . PLAY DOUGH MATH.  They were beside themselves, but they handled it beautifully.  I front loaded the heck out of this one and set up my expectations.  You play, we take it away.  A wonderful mommy helper manned this one and gave the babes an A+ report . . . now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!

All of the play dough mats are common core aligned for 1st + 2nd :)
This missing addend version was super popular with my crew!
Any way to make is novel, right??!!
It has a follow up paper-pencil piece too. 

They begged to play it again, so I brought it back later in the week with a whole new concept.  They found an addition fact version hiding in a math tub.  Rolling addition sentences will never be the same in our room :)  

If you're interested in seeing everything that this rockin' packet is made of, click the pict below to take a little deeper look-see :)  It's worth a click . . . well, in my humble opinion.

I know you've heard it from me before, but Kim Sutton from Creative Mathematics is the real deal.  She saved my bacon in the afternoons this week. Her Powerful Numbers ditties where just what my babes needed to re-focus and get back into the groove after that oh so distracting share time.

This was the best little informal assessment.
The Powerful Numbers Book comes with a CD that calls out random numbers (1-100).
The kids simply find the number and color it on the chart.
I quickly found who was still struggling with basic place value in about 30 seconds.
(3/25 ain't bad after 7 weeks without me - whew)
They rocked that first page so much that I pushed the envelope a bit more.
The next day we completed the one more activity.
A random number is called out and . . .
that number is written as well as the number that is one more.
They nailed this one, so we progressed to one less the following day.

You have to check out this book . . . it's AMAZING!!!  Next week we will transition into Kim's 10 more and 10 less pages.  They are the perfect lead in to 10 more/10 less/1 more/1 less {one of the trickiest concepts around}.  

I was all smiles this week.  Being back with my little kiddies filled me up like no other.  However, the icing on the cake was finding this on my back window as I exited campus Tuesday evening . . .

Thanks for taking the time to visit today.  I will be back on Sunday with two new packs and a freebie.  Can you say . . . SLAM DUNK??!!!  Night y'all :)


  1. Glad your back! That was a long time out---hope everything went ok for you. Love the pictures! Especially the muffin one! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

    1. Nicki . . . I always love your visits. Thanks for always taking the time to say hello. It always makes my day :)

  2. Looks like you had a great week Kelley! { my endo sister } Glad you are back and I KNOW the kiddos are super excited to have you back for sure. Enjoy your weekend and rest up.
    Teaching and Much Moore

    1. Vicky . . . thanks for putting it out there. We are indeed sisters!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to pop in and say hello :)

  3. I love that you get messages on your car! Too cute! I think those play dough math centers look fantabulous!

    Crayons and Whimsy

    1. Hiya friend. I hope things are going well for you. Miss you like crazy :)

  4. How sweet you are to get brand new supplies! I'll bet those little ones were mighty glad to see you back!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

    1. Thanks Sally . . . loved seeing you pop up in my comments :)

  5. Sounds like you had a good first week back! I can't imagine being gone from my kiddos that long! @@

    Diary of a Second Grade Teacher

    1. Hello my SF friend. I checked the weather in one of my favorite cities on Friday and saw that it was going to be an amazing two day run. Enjoy that sun today! How have you been?? Thanks for poppin' by.

  6. I am loving this math playdough activity! I was in school today and dreading everything I put out for math for the week. I am SO excited to plan for this next week! Thank you! And on a side note, I might need to be out for some surgery my self and am scared to death about my kiddos and my room. It's nice to see yours survived! Any recommendations for prepping your room for a long term sub?

    1. Robyn . . . thanks for taking the time to comment! Let me know how the Play Dough goes. I am so sorry to hear about your surgery leave. Email me. I am happy to share a few tips. This is my 4th long-term sub in 7 years and I have learned a few things from my mistakes :)

  7. Seriously! Your kids must love you! So glad we finally got to meet in person at the SCKC conference! We are definitely going to have to get together. Looks like I am going to have to make some more purchases after reading your post. Have a great Sunday!

