January 12, 2014


I think this is the latest I have ever been to the "party," but I am strollin' on in just the same :)  I have a good excuse though.  I had a doctor appointment down in Palo Alto so we made the most of it by doing SF and Napa up right this weekend.  I managed to plan the next three weeks in the car, but the lack of free/available laptop WiFi kept the blog sidelined.  

With all that said, I'm not going to waste a moment more.  Here's a peek at all the shenanigans we found ourselves mixed up in last week . . . 

The kids and I continued our in depth look at antonyms this week.  Figured it was the perfect spiral review concept to walk back into after the LONG holiday break (it's pretty low key).  The kids giggled their way through antonym go fish (very successfully I may add . . . yay) and we completed a simple antonym mitten craft. We also sang Ron Brown's Antonym Song at least a dozen times!

Antonym Go Fish with "huts" . . .
Those little hands just cant hold all of those cards.  
Workin' hard!  These look great up in our window ;) 

Our new math program (I won't mention any names), makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I crack it.  It has been stuck in addition and subtraction land since the beginning of school and we needed to do a little serious work in the Place Value department.  I must say that TPT has been my go to place for all of my math supplemental needs this year . . . and let's just say I have been VERY needy.  Well, I found the most fabulous products from a few super talented ladies that helped carry us through this week and will get us through the next 5 as well :)

This is such a great packet.
We ran with this whole class this week and it will be in centers next week!
Here it is in action.
One kiddo was the builder the other was the exchanger.
We started small and got bigger.
SOOOOO successful - thanks Differentiated Kinder!

Next week Cara Carroll will be helping me in my groups . . . these activities are so straightforward and perfect for centers :)


We jumped into those very tricky ending rules this week (drop the e, double the con, and just add).  The kids are off to a marvelous start and we had the best time with these activities.  

We learned how to blow that bossy e out before adding an ending!
More on that + a free activity HERE.
A few days later, the kids helped form short vowel words with letter cards.
Then we would check the vowel sound and last two letters.
The kids would scream DOUBLE TROUBLE and the extra consonant and ending would run in.
A helper from the audience would "ring" those two tricky letters :)
We played more times than I can count!!!
Click here to snag these simple word cards to try in your room!
We did some great paper-pencil practice too.
Next week we will be all about the center games!
The kids had a blast making this . . . a Skating Through Endings Craftivity!!!
These look rad-tastic up on our wall :)
For more ideas on "out of the box" ending practice, check out my latest packet. It's crammed with crazy games, centers, and more :) 

My top two groups have already blown through all of my little decodable readers and it was time to focus on some different skills during reading group.  One area I wanted to work on was fluency.  Jodi Southard has the perfect packs for this area!  The kids loved doing these this past week . . . they felt SO grown up :)  I will be rolling with these a few days each week from here on in. Thanks so much Jodi :)

These are so timely too.  We learned all about Arctic animals this week.

I wanted to spend some quality time reviewing parts of speech after those LONG two weeks off.  So, we jumped into my Parts of Speech Snowman Packet. We completed a word hunt, some meaningful paper-pencil practice, and a parts of speech snowman craft.  The kids ate it up . . . and it's finally starting to "stick!"

The girls were all about the hair this year.
It was the perfect Thursday afternoon craftivity :)
We rocked out to my favorite 80s hits as we crafted these!
I'm molding the next generation of Tears For Fears Fans . . . hehehe ;)
Love this one . . . the purse and the shades absolutely kill me!
If you are interested in this parts of speech packet, click the cover to read more about it.  I priced this one for a teacher's salary.  

Alright friends, I am off.  My beloved Broncos are up by a touchdown in the 4th quarter and I need to go root 'em on!  Thanks for taking the time to stop by today.  I will see you soon :)


  1. Love the winter activities in the CA classroom! I am sure that the mittens and ice skates are not used too often! Thanks for sharing all the fun! Have a great week!

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  2. Holy Cow! Chock full of fabulous as always! Love the mittens. We sure do need them down here in our 75 degree ridiculous winter weather!

    Such great, engaging activities Kelley!
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade
