January 2, 2014


Hey friends.  It was like pulling teeth yesterday, but I managed to finish up January's Good Morning Work {Reading}.  I only had 13 pages to finish, but it took me ALL day.  It was a sad sight over here in Casa de Dolling.  I would finish a page and browse Anthro's sale area.  I would finish a page and listen to a dozen different samples in the iTunes store.  I would finish a page and wander around FaceBook for 20 minutes.  I would finish a page and try out Katie King's killer squat challenge while hiding in the privacy of my office.  Okay, I'll spare you the rest of the story . . . you get the idea! Well, I finally buttoned it up around 4-ish and jumped in the shower/brushed my teeth {we won't mention that I started around 7:30}.  


If you are interested in trying out something new for Morning Work, I'd love to have you test these packs out with your babes.  In fact, I am offering up a handful of pages from both sets for just this reason.  Simply click the preview image of the FREEBIE pages you would like to try.  Choose one or both :)

Just like my first grade sets, I really strive to put together thoughtful collections that challenge the kids, but still allow them to be independent workers.  The last thing a teacher needs in the AM is 500 questions on how to do the warm up page.  To help combat this, I chunk my topics.  {If you follow me, you've heard this speal before, but I stand by it.}  By chunking, I mean that I target the same 6-7 Common Core Standards for 5 days in a row.  This allows you to teach it once and let 'em fly.  I have found that kids are much more confident and successful when presented with a format that they have seen before.  

These two new sets cover all of the Common Core Standards that most 2nd graders have learned or will learn during this mid-year run.  I chat with numerous 2nd grade teachers every month and they feed me things they would like to see pop up.  We are talkin' everything from adverbs, commas in a series, and main idea to expanded notation, two-step word problems, and true equations {okay . . . it's way more than that, but I was trying fit it into one sentence . . . hehehehehe!!}

On a final note, if you teach 1st grade, I have sets for you too.  I use these EVERY day and these packets are one of my top sellers.  Click on the pict to see 'em in more detail :)  Oh, and these packs are priced to fit a teacher's budget. These puppies are only $3 for a month's worth of learning and spiral review!


Alright, I am off to work on a new packet that I've been kicking around for about a month.  We shall see . . . I am channeling the FOCUS GODS this AM.  Have a great Thursday and I'll see you guys soon!!!


  1. Love this and will make my purchase when I get home from my Florida holiday!
    Thank you! Love how you "chunked" the pages by standard skills! So grateful!

    1. Thanks Jennifer . . . enjoy the rest of your holiday :)

  2. Thanks for offering the freebie pages to try.

    1. You bet . . . it only seems right to let you try these out before asking you to invest in a whole month of my spiral review style ;) Merry 2014 to you Rosemary!

  3. Thank you for the continued awesomeness! My students enjoyed doing many of the Good Morning December pages. :) Happy and Healthy 2014!!!

    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids

  4. You sound just like me! Blog for half an hour, facebook a while, see what my daughter is up to on instagram... then maybe a little work! Love the chunking philosophy! I always need a few minutes each morning to check planners and attendance without being interrupted!
    Dirt Road Teacher

  5. I really enjoy your daily work packets. My kids can do these without much explanation from me. By spiraling it seems they really have it by Friday. Thanks so much. I have bought all of second grade packets so far and used all of them which is unusual. I look forward to February's set.
