December 8, 2013


I sat down at 7 am this morning to put together a little sight word game . . . **throat clear** . . .  8 hours later, I posted a new mini-pack.  I'll be honest, I was creating this game to use with my own crew this week, but for some reason, it just kept growing.  I am diggin' the final product and I know my kids will eat up the game {this is always a class fave}.  On that note, I figured I might as well toss it out there for others to pick up if they choose . . . maybe you might likey too :)

I have been running with Naughty or Nice as a sight word game for years.  I've used it with both K and 1st graders!  However, I got to thinking today . . . why couldn't I use this game for other concepts??  Well, I did just that.  This game has a pre-made sight word version as well as a number bond/missing addend version.  But, I thought . . . why stop there??!!  You all are in different places and have different needs.  So, I created a blank version that is completely editable.  You could use this to build just the right game for your crew.  I see this working for spelling words, vocab, word problems, and math facts (addition/subtraction/multiplication).  The sky really is the limit on this one.  

In this game, you draw cards from the table.  Your goal is to "capture" the card by reading/solving it.  However, there are 6 Naughty or Nice Cards hiding in the deck.  If one of these cards is drawn, the player gets to decide if he/he wants to be NICE (give a card to another player) or NAUGHTY (steal a card from another player).  There are also 4 Coal Lump Cards in the deck.  If one of these cards is selected, the player must put all of his/her cards back into the deck.  I will warn you . . . this one gets a little loud . . . THEY LOVE IT.  However, the giggles and yelps are worth the smidgen of extra noise . . . at least in my book :)

I also tossed in some follow up pages.  I have this "thing" about themed work all fitting together in a nice little package.  Well, both game versions have such pages. You will find two sight word trace, build, and write pages.  In addition, I made a missing addend fact page and a number bond page.  We are working on these things . . . so, why not just include 'em??!! 

Finally, I like to do a Naughty vs. Nice Write every year.  They always crack me up and they provide such insight into your little babes :)

In light of striving to be NICE this holiday season, I feel a little flash giveaway going on.  Enter to win this packet . . . just fill out the Rafflecopter below.  It's quick and painless . . . you don't even have to PROVE that you did the steps of choice (I trust ya).  But, hurry!!!  You only have until 8 pm (PDT) TONIGHT!!!! Good luck friends :)  This giveway has ended . . . but, the pack is only $3!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Alright, that's it from little old me.  I am off to make copies at the hubby's work (oh, the perks a teacher gets when her man is working with his dad).  I decided it was just too cold to take the 15 minute drive to school today. Don't judge . . . it's 38 here.  I know . . . I know . .  this Cali girl is a big wussy compared to all the SNOW going on in other parts of the country! I hope y'all have a great week.  I'll be in touch soon :)