May 11, 2013


Boy howdy folks, we made it!  My sweet little kiddies were in their glory this week with the First Grade Music Performance, Rodeo Week, National Peace Officer's Memorial Week, and Mother's Day.  Needless to say, this teacher is totally pooped.  However, it was a wonderful 5 day run I tell ya!  With this said, let's get to it . . . Five for Friday Style!  

Our little town has a rodeo this weekend . . . it's a BIG deal and most of the kids attend.  If you are a smart teacher, you rope in this excitement and run with it in class.  It worked like a charm!  But, I digress.  Check out my babes during the fun Rodeo Field Day!  Yup . . . that's the Cow Pie Walk!

Our school also had it's Annual Music Performance this week.  All of first grade packed the gym on Wednesday evening.  My class was SO well behaved despite all the nerves and I cried my eyes out when they hit the final song . . . You Are My Sunshine.  The music teacher had the parents sing the second verse to the kids . . . I LOST IT.  One of my babes even mouthed, "Are you okay??"  Yes siree, I cried that hard.  But, I managed to get it together before my makeup started dripping down my face.  #waterproofmascara

I took a break from rodeo madness after the performance to take advantage of the HUGE TPT Sale.  I scored some delightful products.  I have posted a few of my favorites below . . . but, believe me . . . I bought so much more than what that photo shows ;)  

Susan Moran's All About Book
Katie King's Busy Teacher (May)
Hope King's Biome Book
Sarah Cooley's Soft C & G Pack

As if this week wasn't crazy enough, the first grade teachers upped the ante and hosted Mother's Day events on Friday.  I went with a low key Mommy Drop-In and it was such fun. The kids were delighted.  I think by having it as a "come when you can event" more of our moms and grammies were able to pop in for a little visit.  

Love that a few mommies brought their younger sweeties!!!

Oh, and in case you didn't know, last week was National Peace Officer Memorial Week!!  I always do something for Fire Safety week and show appreciation toward these brave men and women by having my babes write letters. However, the poor police have been overlooked in my class.  Well, it just so happens that one of my darling students has the coolest cop for a dad!!!  It seemed only right that we start appreciating these amazing men and women too.  So, our beloved Mr. P came in for a little visit.  The kids were in awe and the visit was classic!  Q & A Time + First Grade = Hilarious.  In addition to the usual kid questions . . . "Do you have a gun?" and "What do the prisoners eat in jail?" . . . one question/response took the cake.  One of my babes asked Mr. P. when he works.  When told that he typically works during the night shift, my little kiddo replied, "Oh, so you're like a nocturnal animal."  #yougetanA+kid

BIG thanks to you Mr. P!  We loved every minute of it!!

Following our police officer visit, we wrote letters and I delivered them to our local station.  If you were interested in running with this activity in the next few weeks (it's a perfect feel-good end of the year activity), I have my freebie template up for grabs down below!!  
CLICK HERE to score this letter template!  
Thanks JW Illustrations and Teaching in a Hello Literacy for the graphics!

Alright my friends, I am off.  Going to go enjoy my Saturday for a bit before I sit back down to finish up my end of the year video (I'll have more on this soon). I'll see you tomorrow with a fun little craft freebie!  Hugs y'all and thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi Kelley!
    Thank you so much for the freebie! I love the kiddos question "What do prisoners eat in jail?" That just totally sent me into stiches! Thanks for sharing your week!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

    1. Don't kids ask the best questions ever??!! Thanks for poppin' in!

    2. I am sorry what you did I feel not happy about it i know you feel down I pray for your family

  2. I love the cow-pie walk...and the kiddo's outfit next to the number 10. For your 'drop-in' for Mother's Day was it a whole school thing or did you decide to do this in your room? I think it's a neat idea but did you have any parameters?

    You Might Be a First Grader….

    1. Brenda . . . check out today's post. I explained the drop in a bit more. It was not a school-wide ditty, but rather a first grade team decision. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask!

  3. LOVE the idea of a Mother's Day Drop In, but then I would have to be more prepared... ie, NOT frantically finishing up the Mother's Day project on Friday!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

    1. Ha! A drop in was the only way to go this year . . . I was all about keeping the stress down this past week ;) I was scrambling to get my project done this year too . . . hehehehehehe!

  4. Writing letters to say thank you to the police and fire service is such a wonderful idea! Motivating for the kids and, I'm sure, appreciated by those that receive the letters. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. Thanks so much Lauren . . . I can't believe I didn't think to extend our thanks to the local police until this year. It was a great and oh so easy activity :)

  5. Kelley,
    Will you devote a post to your Mother's Day drop-in? What is your schedule like for the day? What if your class is doing something boring when some of the moms drop in (not that your class ever does anything boring, but you know what I mean)? Do you have special activities throughout the day? Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more ... please!
    An Open Door

    1. DONE! Check out today's post. I outlined it a bit more. It just so happened that Friday was our school's Rodeo Day so we were doing fun things ALL day. If it had been on a different day, I would have probably confined the drop in times a bit. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask Camille :) HUGS!!!!

  6. Thanks for the shout out, Kelley! Your sweet comments on TpT have brightened my day! You are wonderful, and I feel honored!!!

    1. Oh my word . . . my year is made! Sarah Cooley visited the "Factory." #closeyourmouthdolling

      I truly am so excited about my purchases. Both packets are absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to run with that Hollywood Ending brilliance in a few weeks. My kids are gonna flip!

  7. How fun to have the mothers drop in to see their children in their classroom environment. I'm sure they loved it!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. It definitely was fun . . . and easy ;) Merry Sunday you two! Thanks for always poppin' in to say howdy!

  8. HOW in the world was I not following before now? Ahem... crisis averted... I am following now! :)
    Funky Fresh Firsties
