March 15, 2013


Hold on to your hats folks . . . I am linkin' up with the eva-fabulous Doodle Bugs again this Friday to bring you my version of Five for Friday.  It was a glorious week out here in sunny California and I am stoked to share it with ya.  

Random Moment #1
With St. Pat's falling on Sunday, I needed to get a jump on the next holiday and a fresh bulletin board.  So, I ran with my Adjective Bunny craft on Thursday. The kids nailed this one and they really got into it.  You can't help but smile when you see these . . . I'll follow up with more Easter injected adjective ditties next week.
Selecting adjective cards to base their bunny design around - such a tough decision.
My babies . . . hard at work! 
What was this cutie's adjective you ask . . . well, it was LITTLE, of course!
These crack me up!  I hung them, but forgot to take a picture . . . DUH!
If you want to run with this and some other Easter themed adjective/parts of speech ideas in your room, click on the pic below to check out my pack!

Random Moment #2
We wrapped up our weather unit this week and what better way to do it than with Falling Into First's Weather is Wild Packet??!!  The ideas in this collection are downright genius and it carried us through two weeks of science fun!  The kids worked so hard on their Wild Weather Word Books and they proved to be a wonderful assessment tool as well . . . who knew??!!  Thanks STEPH :)


Random Moment #3
Speaking of weather, we also used Made For 1st Grade's Learning About Weather Packet.  We learned all about rainbows one day and ran with their fun rainbow writing activity.  I let them create their own rainbow art topper for this one . . . no rules, just gotta remember the color order :)  HUGE success!!

Random Moment #4
Intermixed with bunnies and weather, the kiddlets also received their fair share of leprechaun activities.  There is just something about those little green men that gets a first grader all jacked up.  Mix this excitement with work and you have some serious worker bees on your hands!  We used Teaching With Love and Laughter's St. Patrick's Day ABC Order Freebie.  The kids were so engaged and they all went the extra mile!  Thanks Lori :)

Random Moment #5

We had a special visitor in our room this week.  Who do you ask?  Well, none other than the wildly famous Mr. Ron Brown.  Yup . . . that über talented guy from Intelli-Tunes did a special live performance for my kiddos this week - if you haven't heard his toe-tappin' standards based tunes, you really should check them out, but I digress.  This show was the perfect afternoon break for us (that time change did a number on all of our little brains).  The kids had a ball and it truly was a magical moment.  So, thanks Mr. B . . . your daughter owes you big time (hahahaha . . . as usual). 

Alright my friends I am O-U-T!  Still trying my best to tie up Retell/Summary Packet, but I am so distracted by my own thoughts today . . . my life story as of late.  I am getting there and I hope to be back this weekend with an update and a freebie!  Thanks for visiting y'all . . . I'll see you soon!



  1. So much fun! I want to spend a day in your classroom! I just love the adjective bunnies! They are so much fun! I love the "rich" bunny with the dollar bills on its ears! How lucky to have your dad come sing in the class! He is fantastic! Happy Friday!


  2. TGIF! The little bunnies are too cute! I emailed you earlier this week- congrats on your first conference!!!
    :) Melissa

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love the bunnies! We used that ABC order freebie too! :)


  5. Can Mr. Brown come to my classroom too? Love him and his catchy tunes! ;) What a fun week y'all had!

  6. Cute bunny activity!
    I am having a “Spring Break Bucket List” linky party...stop by and link up!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  7. Those bunnies are precious!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  8. Wow, you had a busy week. I love the bunnies. Wasn't the weather wonderful in California. It was hot at our house on Wednesday and Thursday, but overcast and cool at the beach. Love it.

    The First Grade Princess

  9. Kelley, your week looks like tons of fun for everyone! Thanks for the ABC Order shout-out! Think your dad would like to come and visit my class? I'd love it!!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  10. Ahhh... I am loving all of your activities! The bunnies look fabulous and your weather activities also look great. I'm going to have to add those to my wish list for next year.

    Lovely Literacy & More

  11. You and your kiddos are always rockin it out in your room, so fun!! Mr Brown's songs are pure genius! More than one have been jammed out too in our four walls they year too!!! Thanks so much for the shout out my friend, I love seeing them all colored up with love by your crew!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First
