February 9, 2013


We aim to please over here at the Factory.  So . . . when I received a request to make another Sweet Story Freebie to go with the upcoming holiday, I just couldn't say no.  And, the best part is that my own kids are gonna freak when I bring this one back to class next week.  It's a win-win for everyone :)  

Bubbly Borders + More just came out with this
snazzy glitter border . . . swoon!
So, this is a great game that can be played in a whole class or small group setting.  Here's how this heartwarming ditty rolls . . . 

Prepare for this activity by printing out a class set of the story templates and adjective mats of choice.  In addition, every child will need one conversation heart candy. (I suggest having a few back up candies as they can break or roll away!)

To begin play, students drop their heart candy on their adjective mat. The word that the treat lands on (or is closest to) is written in any space on their story template.  Students continue this process until all of the spaces on their story template are filled!

CLICK HERE to download this free game!

Here are a few additional notes on the game . . . .
  • As kiddos complete the task, I always ask them them illustrate their creations on the back of their story template (many of my babes will ask to color the front too).
  • Considering the toll this horrendous flu season has taken on our little classroom, I will be trading my kids when they finish.  You are probably asking yourself . . . is that English??  Let me explain this a bit better . . . I'll have my kiddlets give me the candy they played with in exchange for a sealed and germ-free box of convo hearts :)
  • When everyone's crazy story was completed, my kids will cruise the room and read their stories to each other!
  • Two adjective mat templates are included in this FREEBIE pack.  One of the adjective mats is a little crazier than the other . . . pick the one that is right for you and your crew of kiddos!
I will be sure to swing back in and post pictures of this cute game when I run with it next week.  If you would like to see the Christmas version of this activity in action, click here.  My kids ate it up!

Alright, I am almost out of here.  Please don't forget to take a moment to enter my We HEART a Good Giveaway contest that is rolling right now.  You have until midnight tonight (Saturday - CDT) to get yo-self entered.  We are talking sweeter than sweet prizes from A Year of Many "Firsts," Growing Firsties, Little Miss Organized, and this crazy place!  Just click the giveaway button below to magically transport to the Rafflecopter thingy-do!!


  1. This is so fun! I know my kids are going to love it. Thanks!

    1. Hooray . . . so glad to hear that you dig it. Let me know how it goes in class :)

    2. It went great! The kids really enjoyed it and giggled and giggled when they shared their silly stories. Thanks again!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for taking the time to write . . . glad to share :)

  3. You are so sweet to share this gem with us! Thanks so much, Kelley!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. Awwww . . . Lori!! Happy to share my friend. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a little love note :)

  4. Love this idea! I am going to use the foam candy hearts I got at the Target Dollar Spot. Fun, fun!

    Reading Toward the Stars

    1. Great call on a "healthy way" to play this :) Let me know how it goes my friend.

  5. Thank you for sharing! We have been working A LOT on adding adjectives to our writing. My kids will enjoy doing this activity. Perfect addition to our Valentines Day.

  6. Thanks for always droppin' in Jenn :)

  7. So cute!! Great idea! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. This is a perfect activity for Valentines Day in my classroom! Thank you SO much for sharing :)


  9. We did this activity in my 3rd-4th grade classroom today. We had just finished a unit on adjectives so it was perfect. We had SO MUCH FUN! I gave the kids the "crazier" version to use. We laughed and laughed and laughed at the stories. I paired this activity with sorting & graphing the convo hearts by color. The silly story was by far everyone's favorite part of the day. THANKS SO MUCH for a fun activity!
