January 2, 2013


Well, I finally recovered from staying up WAY past my bedtime on NYE.  All of my friends were thrilled that I made it until 1:36!  How was your holiday?  Did you send 20-12 off riz-ite?  We sure did.  Our crew was mellow (I am getting too old to get all crazy), but it was just perfect in my book!  

Switching gears a bit . . . I worked all day on Monday before we left to match up with our friends and managed to get a new packet out.  However, I ran out of time and I didn't' get to show it to you.  

If you liked my Adjective Pumpkin and Bakin' Up Adjective packs I think you'll dig this one too.  This collection takes parts of speech a bit further :)  

I have used this craft with both 1st and 2nd graders and both sets of kiddos really enjoyed it.  The best part is that this little ditty has hidden language arts standards embedded in the activity process - nouns, verbs, and adjectives. (Bwahahahahahahaha . . . it's all in my master plan to make kids smarter without them even knowing it!)  It also makes a cute little learning-based bulletin board that is perfect for any of the winter months!

From a meaningful and cute craft to center games, this mini-pack offers up a great themed review of nouns, verbs, and adjectives for your babes.  Who knew that parts of speech could be "snow" much fun?? 

On that horrid joke, I am quitting while I am ahead.  If you are interested in reading more about my Parts of Speech Snowmen Pack, CLICK HERE.  

Now, on to Farley's Currently!  I am a couple days late, but I am rollin' with it just the same.  You know how much I love me this particular Linky.

Let's see . . . what needs explaining up there??  Uh, well, my latest iTunes purchases are pretty obscure.  I am an Alt Nation kind of a girl so I have been working and creating to the sounds of Gold Fields, Wild Nothing, Metric, Washed Out, Robert DeLong, and Zulu Winter.  Recognize any of these artists?? Hahahahahaha . . . I told you they were pretty random!

What else should I tell you about that little poster?  I don't go back to school until the 7th and my house is in a bit of a state right now.  We haven't unpacked from our NYE trip and I haven't put away the last 4 loads of laundry.  Whoops :) My stomach flu somehow morphed into a snotty mess of a cold and I am SO over being sick.  I want a massage SO bad (think I will call my gal right after I hit post . . . I deserve a treat, right??!!).  My OLW for the month is balance. One of my resolutions was to find that line where my job, blogging, the fam, and myself are all getting the time they deserve.  

Nuff said on this.  Be sure you pop on over to Farley's blog and link up if you haven't already.  I'd love to read all about it :)

Alright my friends.  I am off to create some stuff and maybe (just maybe) put some laundry away.  Thanks so much for poppin' in today.  I'll see you tomorrow with a fun little flash giveaway!!! Hugs y'all :)


  1. LOVE your Parts of Speech Snowmen! And I would LOVE to get a massage before school on Monday...that just sounds heavenly!

    I also need balance in my life for sure!! :)


  2. You have a great Currently and I caught myself saying "Oh yeah, I could have written that." Balance is a great OLW :) I'm your newest follower


    1. Thanks for poppin' on over and following me my dear! I paid you a little visit today too ;)

  3. Hi there. I found your blog through Farley's Currently. I hope you are feeling better soon...it's bad enough being sick through the holidays, but to start back to school like that is even worse! I love the "Listening" part of your Currently - true, I don't know most of those groups, but that's what most people say about the music and groups I listen to as well...lol...Happy 2013!


    1. Whoop . . . whoop . . . another obscure music lover! I always get made fun of when people ask me what I am listening to, but I don't let it stop me. We're trend setters I tell ya ;) Thanks for visiting.

  4. Your blog is adorable! I found you through Currently! I am a new follower! Happy 2013!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  5. thanks for always linking up :) I too am fighting some germs... YUCKY YUCK enjoy the rest of your break!!!

  6. Hey chicklet! Your pack looks adorable...good stuff, Kel!

    Get healthy and be sure to declare one of those four days left a PJ day!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  7. Awww...so sorry you have the yuckies..hope you feel better soon!

    P.S. I LOVE this unit...so incredibly cute! :)

  8. The snowman unit is so adorable! I love all your creations!

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation! You are one lucky duck!

    I'm starting to feel sick and I'm praying it's just me being psychosomatic.

    Enter My 250 Follower Giveaway!


  9. I loved the Pumpkin adjectives and I am sure this will be a hit too! I hope your cold leaves soon, it lasted forever here and went to each and every family member:(

    Happy New Year!
    The Resourceful Apple

  10. I love your word... balance! Sometimes it's hard to find!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  11. I put massage on my Currently too! Sounds heavenly right now {as I supplement with a heating pad on my shoulders!}

    And I love your OLW...I need to learn how to do just that!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  12. Hi! I saw your comment on my blog earlier about music... the only band I recognize from your list is Metric! :) I am loving Mumford and Sons at the moment, do you like their music?

    (PS: Love your blog!)

  13. I love the snowman parts of speech activities!! Simply adorable! :) I just got an iTunes card and am so excited to download some new music like you. It's like burning a whole in my pocket!!:) I'm a new follower! Happy New Year!!

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  14. I just discovered your blog through Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits and the giveaway you both were doing and I absolutely love it. I have no idea who any of those bands/people/groups are you mentioned. :) I listen to everything from pop to 80s to rap to classical to Glee, so maybe that could explain it. I don't even know what alt nation is! Man, I am 31, but am feeling old and "not with it"....though I am thinking it means alternative music?? Anyway, love the blog and being one of your newest followers. Can't wait to lurk through your old posts!
    Posh Primary
