December 6, 2012


I am so behind on this one, but I just couldn't let a Currently pass me by.  So without wasting a moment more . . . 

I think you can figure out most of those up there, but you may be wondering where I get to go this weekend??!!  Drum roll please . . . . CABO!  We will be doing it up right at the Hilton for the next few days.  It is going to be the quickest trip in the history of trips, but it will be so worth it.  I can't wait to see these two finally tie the knot.  Congrats Jeff & Robin :)

Alright I am out.  I MUST go finish packing. Yes.  **SIGH**  I am still packing. It's only 10:03 pm and we don't leave until 6 am.  I have PLENTY of time ;)

Merry {almost weekend} and I'll see all you alls when I get back.  Gonna "unplug" and be a wife and friend for at least the next 48.  Be sure you go link up with Farley too . . . Hugs!