October 6, 2012


I had so much fun participating in the last product swap extravaganza that I jumped at the chance to join in Mrs. Stanford's second round of bloggy goodness!  This event is absolutely magical I tell ya . . . and with even more bloggers on board, you don't want to miss out.

What's a Product Swap Linky you ask??  Well, a bunch of bloggers will be reviewing each other's awesome products today.  This is so clutch when you have at least two dozen products/units/packets piled up on your TPT Wish List as you read this.  So, grab yourself a beverage, pony up to that computer of yours, and start readin' up on which products you should move from your wish list to your CART!

My heart darn near stopped when I received my match up this time.  The bloggy gods were smiling down on me for the second time as one of my faves ended up on MY product swap card.  I'll give you three hints . . .
  1. Zebra print, hot pink, and disco balls . . . oh, my!
  2. Serving sweet little firsties everywhere.
  3. When you come down with the flu, you may get one of these!
Oh yes, sweet friends of mine . . . I was buddied up with Christine over at First Grade Fever.  SCORE!!!!  Not only do I admire this lady to pieces, but I heart her stuff too.  

For this swap, I had the opportunity to review two of Christine's fabulous fall ditties - Fabulous Fall Fun and Turkey Time Fun.  Both are super cute and are absolutely perfect for this time of year.  Since it's fall and pumpkin time, I was able to actually try out a couple of the activities from the Fabulous Fall Fun Packet this week!  


The first activity we tried was Pumpkin Patch Order.  The kiddos placed pumpkin-themed cards in order from least to greatest and recorded their answers on the game sheet.  It proved to be a great review and the kids absolutely loved it.  I used Christine's card set for two of my groups and changed the numbers to create a harder set for my other two groups (I have a handful of SUPER first graders this year.)  It was such a great success!


The next activity was a fall-themed Read & Write the Room.  The kids worked together to hunt down words that started with the letters in the word "Pumpkin."  The kiddos are eating up anything Halloween-related and they got a kick out of this one for sure.  Oh, and the teamwork stemming from this activity was priceless!  I also made my top two groups use one or two of the words they found in a super awesome sentence.  They rocked it!  

As for the Turkey Time Packet . . . take my word for it . . . this is another doozie.  The graphics crack me up and it's jam-packed with all sorts of standards-based math and literacy activities.  Here are a few photos of just a couple of the centers featured in this Turkey Day pack!

The ABC Order ditty is delightful and it comes in two versions - alphabet and Thanksgiving-themed words.  And, oh my . . . the Turkey Fact Family center is a crack up.  I can see my kiddos workin' on placing those fact feathers on the right turkeys already!  **Please note that my dang printer was leaving black streaks down all of the things I was printing.  These feathers go with a different turkey that ended up printing out as one BIG black blog.  It's time to go to Staples and invest in a new machine . . . sigh**

After getting to try these products first hand, I can honestly say that I have caught Christine's "FEVER!"   Are you interested in taking a closer look at these packets?  Click the button below to visit Christine's TPT store today!

On a final note today, my "Make No Bones 'Bout It" - A Great 1K Follower Giveaway is well underway.  You have until Monday at midnight to win some pretty rockin' fall-themed goodies.  Click on the button below to get your sweet self entered A-SAP!!!

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me today.  Be sure to take a moment to check out all of the amazing product swap posts via Mrs. Stanford's Linky Party (beginning Saturday at 7pm EDT).  You'll be so glad you did!  See you soon gang.  I am off to enjoy the rest of my weekend in Napa!


  1. OOOOOK, the turkey feather game is adorable!
    Apples and ABC's

  2. Wow, you were able to review awesome products! Great job on the review and I'll check out your product as well. This is so much fun! Should be making dinner, but I'm blog stalking instead. Hmm, maybe it's pizza night!

    Heather at TeachItToday

  3. I looooveeee this!! I bought Mel's coupon pack last product review... now I will heading to TPT for this one!

    Great job lady!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  4. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing - I didn't follow First Grade Fever yet!
    Teaching With Style

  5. I just have to say you freaking crack me up! As I read what you're writing I just hear myself talking lol Thanks for joining for the swap :) I hope you'll sign up for the next!

    ✏ Mrs. Stanford's Class ✏
    Enter Product Swap #3

  6. Just found your blog through the product swap! I'm happy to be your newest follower!!
    Loving your morning work, it's perfect for the group of firsties I have this year.
    Colleen :-)
    Fun and Fearless in First
