October 28, 2012


Since the majority of blog land is throwing a sale this weekend, I wanted to share a few more awesome activities that worked really well in my class this past week.  It may just be the perfect time to pick them up . . . see . . . I got your back :)

First up, Hadar from Miss Kindergarten provided nothing but smiles and squeals of delight with her monster craft.  It proved to be the best possible BIG BUDDY ditty for us on Friday and we followed it up with a little creative writing too.  It was perfection I tell ya.  Absolute perfection!

CLICK HERE to get more deets on this awesome craft!

Next up, we ran with a handful of "wicked" centers from the ever-fab Alisha over at The Bubbly Blonde.  I didn't manage to get my butt out of the teacher chair and snap some photos of my kiddos in action (I was trying to assess . . . you know how that goes), but they nailed these centers independently.  Just take one look and you will see why they were a HUGE success.  

CLICK HERE to pick yourself up a copy of this fantastic pack! 
Finally, my bloggy buddy Susan over at TGIF (Thank God It's First Grade) offered up the perfect FREEBIE pack to help us end our spider unit.  We spent a rainy afternoon with these arachnids and they had an absolute ball with it.  One babe actually said, "This is the best day ever!"  Now, if you get a response like that after an activity . . . you know you have found yourself a true winner!

CLICK HERE to pick up this freebie!!
We rocked out to a Halloween Party Mix and got busy on our spiders.
**NOTE: I had my kids color their spiders as we don't have a supply closet at our school.
I had the kiddies below give me their best "Scary Spider" face!

Alright . . . off to lesson plan and work on my latest pack.  Just a reminder that you have until midnight tonight to score big in quite a few TPT shops today - all my bloggy besties are participating!!!  On that note, my entire TPT Store is 20% off in honor of our Trick or Treat Sale.   

Here are just a few of the packs I have on sale!



  1. Love how you are showcasing everyone!! You are so unbelievably sweet! The crafts turned out really cute! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

    1. Least I could do . . . your ideas were such HUGE hits for me :)

  2. Omg your students are adorable!!!! The picture with the spider craft is so cute!!!

    1. My kids crack me up . . . wish I had permission to show all of them!!

  3. Replies
    1. Aren't they to die for?? Miss Kinder outdid herself with this craft :)

  4. I always love seeing the cute and funny faces of your kiddos. Thank you for always sharing YOUR wonderful ideas and the activities of all of the other amazing teachers out there in Blogland...you are awesome. =)

    I shared an activity using Bat Bones. Hop over and check it out if you get the chance...there is a little snack involved which my kiddos always love. =)

    BTW...Have you received any of my emails?

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks Heather . . . you are a sweetie. I will pop by today for sure. I haven't received any of your emails . . . try again. kelleydolling@gmail.com. I will be on the lookout :)

  5. Thanks for the bloggy love, friend!!! Everyone is right... your kids are SO stinkin' cute!!

    Happy birthday week!!!


    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
