October 3, 2012


Okay . . . so I seriously have been stalking Farley's sweet blog for the past three days.  Her page views probably tripled cuz I checked in so much :)  What can I say??  I look forward to this awesome linky each and every month and OCTOBER is my all time fave!!  So, with this said, here's what I have for ya!  

Okay so a few of these need some more info or your mind is going to start racing on ya.  Hold up!  Let me explain myself a bit here.  

  1. Let's start with LISTENING.  I have this new appreciation for Waylon Jennings.  I guess the Nor Cal finally got the best of the me.  The Highwayman is such a dippy song, but I heart it so.  I especially dig the part when Jennings sings the line "A place called Boulder, on the wild Colorado."  I always rewind it . . . yes, I am a total tool :)
  2. Moving on to LOVING.  Uh, October is hands down my favorite month. Why you ask??  Well, not only does the weather change, but it's also Halloween and my birthday (October 30th).  Can you imagine this as a kiddo??  Cake and presents one day and then candy and costumes the next??!!  It was (and still is) a dream come true!
  3. Okay, so we are down to THINKING.  We have a jam-packed October. This weekend we are off to Napa for a fun weekend with friends.  The following weekend we are hitting up Portland, OR and the next we will be in San Francisco.  Finally, we will wrap up the month with a fun-filled and oh-so classy birthday trip to Reno, NV.  I can't wait!
  4. Uh . . . need I say more in the WANTING department?  Dexter is going to be mind-blowing this season.  
  5. NEEDING is an important one.  I have found that I am running out of "gas" by the end of the day.  I have so much to catch up on, but my little body just can't keep up.  Last Friday I unfortunately found out that my February surgery resulted in some serious nerve damage and we need to find a PLAN B.  Granted, life could be a lot worse, but am not a happy camper :(
  6. Bwahahahahaha . . . my October book section is overflowing in my classroom.  However, my favorite HAS to be the Hallo-Wiener by Dav Pilkey.  I crack up each and every year!

Alright friends, I am off to work on my 1K Giveaway post.  I hope to have it up tomorrow or Friday at the latest.  Y'all come on back now, ya hear??!!  

Oh . . . and be sure to check out Farley's Currently Linky fun!  You'll be oh so glad that ya did :)


  1. Congratulation on having 1K friends. I'll be back tomorrow :)
    My Second Sense

  2. Love that book! October is my favorite month too!

    1. Word up Miss Nelson :) It helps when I spell the dang title correctly. I fixed it after blushed quite a bit :) Thanks for popping in!

  3. Completely forgot about that book till you mentioned it! Love it!

    Sparkles , Smiles, and Student Teaching

    1. I can't help but giggle when the cats get all freaked out at the end :)

  4. Dexter!! I love me some Dexter!! I missed the first episode of the season, but am ordering Showtime so I can catch up & have it for the rest of the season. I hear it's going to be a good one! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. I knew I loved you Miss Lisa! Wait until you see the first one . . . just wait. You have to email me when you do catch up. And, the best part is . . . there is an amazing cliff hanger after the first episode. I am ready for SUNDAY right NOW! Thanks for stopping by tonight sweet friend.

  5. Your upcoming weekends sound like so much fun!! LUCKY DUCK!!!!

    1. Word up Ms. Teeny . . . thanks for taking the time to visit! My weekends are going to be pretty stellar - I can't wait :) Hugs to ya!

  6. Jealous you can watch Dexter! I only get them after they are out on Netflix, but I can watch them all at once!! Love the Hallo-Wiener, it's on my list too:) Congrats on over 1000!! You rock!

    Surfin' Through Second

  7. I am an entire season behind on Dexter. I *must* catch up! October is my favorite month too. My birthday is the 26th. :)
