October 23, 2012


Despite rushing home after jump rope club to work my Good Morning Work Math Pack for November, I just had to take a moment to write a little post about an UH-MAY-ZING resource that has saved me as of late.  And, the best part is . . . it is all "spookified!"  

My beloved bloggy buddy, Katie King, over at The Queen of the First Grade Jungle has outdone herself this time.  Seriously folks!  Her Busy Teacher's Best Friend Halloween Packet has saved me hours and the kids are LOVING every minute of it.  

Just take a little look-see at my sweet babes in action today!  We used pages both whole class and in centers.  They were all a HUGE success . . .

One of Katie's right on target adjective pages went into all independent folders today.
From the bottom to the top groups, these kids nailed it!
During our whole class writing time, we wrote predictions today using another one of the Queen's
handy-dandy pages.  I hung the book on the board with the above cloze and let them go.
It was magical . . . you could hear a pin drop!
Working hard  . . . what sweet babes I have! 
CAUTION . . . PICTURE OVERLOAD AHEAD . . . what can I say?
I am so proud of their work!  They always go the extra mile for me . . . and themselves :)

From my writing rock stars to my kids who struggle, it was a wonderful activity.
Everyone did a super job and felt
oh so successful!
Katie's super fun Magical Addition Sentences Page.
It was a great game that helped us transition after the whole group math lesson :)
Look at this page . . . uh . . . she asked to color it too.
About 10 or so of them did when they finished before the others.
Can you say . . . WIN-WIN??!!
Sound like something you might be interested in adding to your Halloween arsenal?  I am soooooo glad it's in mine now :)  

CLICK HERE to check out the "deets" collection.

Alright friends . . . I HAVE to finish my Good Morning Work (Math) November Packet.  I know.  I know.  I thought it would have been up sooner than this, but my post-surgery digestive system has been giving me absolute fits as of late. Not that I am using this as an excuse mind you . . . it's just slowed me down a bit.  I promise to have it up by the weekend if not sooner.  Oh, and check back tomorrow or Thursday for a few more Halloween resources that I am really lovin' as of late!  Hugs and thanks for visiting!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting . . . it truly was a wonderful resource today. Will be using more pages tomorrow!!!

  2. Thanks, friend! I felt oh so compelled to shout about Teacher's BF from the rooftops :)

  3. I've been looking at this one for a little bit now. It really is jam packed with goodies and your kiddos look so engaged. Thanks for sharing more about it.

    The Busy Busy Hive

  4. Your kids are such good writers! I love the one that predicts the pumpkins will all fall on the kids! :)


  5. Your little ones are really hard workers :) Thanks for sharing
    Diary of a Teachaholic
