September 23, 2012


I have officially gone off the deep end and I just might be in need of a serious intervention.  So, I went to bed at 1:05 am and I'm now up at 4:50 to write my post.  It must be all that excitement surging through my brain . . .  I finally finished my Good Morning Work October Pack (Reading + Language Skills).

As with the last packet, my goal with Good Morning Work (GMW) is to spiral review basic reading concepts, standards, and skills in a straightforward and non-threatening manner.  The September Set focused more on Kindergarten standards that should have been mastered (or at least introduced) last year. This set steps things up a bit with the introduction of nouns, proper nouns, compound words, and punctuation.  Just take a look-see at a few of the pages below.  And, oh yeah . . . these are free to take with you today.  Try 'em before you buy 'em is my motto.  If you like what you see, visit my TPT Shop to pick up the new pack before October hits!  How do ya like them pumpkins??
CLICK HERE download these "tester" pages.
Thanks so much to JW Illustrations - loved using your Halloween goodies!
Here's a peek at the whole collection . . . 25 pages in all.
Skills covered include: sight words, ABC order, nouns, proper nouns, beginning/ending sounds, digraphs,
detailed sentence writing, sentence editing, punctuation, and compound words.  

Personally, my own kidlets did a wonderful job with the September Pack.  As I stated in an earlier post, I was a little hesitant to start my spiral revew this early in the year.  However, my sweet crew was able to knock out the tasks much more independently than I expected.  And, even that collection of sweeties that struggles was able to step up to the plate and do most of it all by themselves.  I tried to use similar language (simple and as decodable as possible) when making this round too.  Hopefully, my ideas of what my kiddies can and can't do are pretty spot on again :)  

A huge thanks to all of my wonderful editors who gave it the once over yesterday - Teaching With Style, Queen of the First Grade Jungle, Tales from Outside the Classroom, and my teachin' bestie (Court . . . you always have my backy-back).  I value all of your opinions so much and you all mean the world to this little old California blogger!!

To learn more about my October Good Morning Work (Reading) Packet, click here.  My goal is to have a math set up shortly - either this afternoon or within the next couple of days.  I didn't quite make it yesterday . . . Oregon Football is SO distracting :)

Alright friends, I am going to try and go back to sleep for an hour or so, but something tells me I am going to be staring at the ceiling instead.  Thanks for visiting and I will see you all soon. 


  1. I am loving how you have this packet laid out & the skills that you are covering! I am heading over to TPT to take a looksie! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Lisa . . . thanks so much :) I always smile when you pop up in my comments. Merry Sunday to you!!

  2. This is SUCH a huge help!! Thanks so much for the freebie to preview...
    Growing Firsties

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! My firsties did AWESOME with the September pack and I wanted to make sure that I have October's ready so I already purchased!
    Thanks for making it! Can't wait for the Math pack!!
    Sweet Times in First

  4. love this girl !!

  5. Replies
    1. Smiling in Cali today. Thanks for the comment friend!!

  6. This looks great! I'm kinda wishing I taught first grade right about now!

    Very, very cute!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  7. I LOVEEEE YOUR MORNING WORK!!!! {Yes I am yelling}

    That is all :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

    1. I LOOOOOVEEEEEE YOU (yelling that one right back at ya, Vegas). Hugs sweet friend.

  8. I agree with Susan!! ;) GMW is a hit in my classroom!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  9. Thanks for the shout out!!! This packet is amazing as usual! :)
    Teaching With Style

  10. Are you coming to the meet up!? I am making your name tag right now!!! ;)


    1. I wish . . . I have a doctor's appointment in SF that I can't move. So stinkin' bummed. Thanks for thinking of me!! Next time for sure :)

  11. Can't even express how wonderful this is. . . purchased it last week, started using it this week, the kids are doing it and I absolutely love it! Thank you about a million times!!! Can't wait for November. . .there will be a November, right???? Ellen

  12. Oooh, you crazy girl :)) I hope you get caught up on your sleep soon. Your packet looks fabulous!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
