July 3, 2012


Well, I've done it again friends!  I guest blogged yesterday and messed up my Move It Mondays schedule (I wouldn't have traded it for the world though, sweet Steph).  In my book, late is ALWAYS better than never, so here's what I have for you . . . 

Today I want to talk about a couple different ways that I get my kids up and moving between literacy rotations or when I notice that they are starting to lose it in the focus department.  

Talk about the perfect break in your day.  I typically use this one after lunch when those little eyes start drooping.  The Rowing Song quickly became one of those songs that the kids begged for.  Just take a little "listen" and see why . . .

Rowing Song
Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes
Press play to START and pause to STOP the sample!

The movements for the Rowing Song are simple.  
  1. The kids find a partner and sit with their hands clasped.  One student has "alligator legs" (stretched out) and the other keeps his/her legs together inside the "alligator's mouth."  (At least that's how I explain it to my kiddos!)
  2. When the song starts the kids listen to the lyrics and the beat.  A BIG wave means they get to row like crazy . . . a little wave means they go in slooooowwwww mo!  The rest of the time the kids just row to the beat.
  3. Don't worry . . . Ron ended it in "slow row" form (he was a teacher and knew better than to leave the kids all jacked up).
Sound like something you might want to add to your movement collection?  Ron (AKA my dad) has this song up in is single song download section for only 99 cent-er-oon-ees!  CLICK HERE to snag it.  

To help those little brains rest for a minute or two in between our rigorous reading rotations, we often did little exercises before we transitioned to the next group.  Here are a few simple ideas . . 
  1. Have your kiddos do jumping jacks while counting by 10s to 100.
  2. Cross that mid-line by having your class connect elbows to raised opposite knees while counting by 2's to 50. 
  3. Invite your kids to put their hands on their hips and work that core.  Ask them to turn from side to side counting by 5's to 50.
One of my sweeties even started bringing her headband for our Exercise Transition Breaks!
Oh, how I miss this kiddo!

On a whole different note, I have a few shout outs to give today.  First, I won a contest.  WHOOP WHOOP!!!  A big thank you to Sarah over at Laughing with Lane.  I saw this little graphic pop up on my blog roll and I couldn't help but smile.  I won all of her technology themed items (jobs, labels, etc.) in her "Wired for Success" classroom set.  

Sarah won my heart even more as she spelled my funky name right . . .
Kelleeeeeeeey!  Thanks sweets :)
Also, there are three different contests that I am participating in.  My sweet bloggy friends asked me to offer up a little somethin' somethin' and I couldn't refuse :)  Be sure to check out these great giveaways sooner rather than later!

FIRST . . . Heather over at Kickin' It In Kinder is having a 100 Follower Giveaway and she has some great items up for grabs (a couple of which that have been patiently waiting in my cart to be purchased). 

NEXT . . . Lisa (the sweetest "commenter" around) at Learning is Something to Treasure is hosting a 400 Follower Giveaway and will have multiple winners!


FINALLY . . . don't forget that dear sweet Jessica over at Mrs. Stanford's Class is having a HUGE 500 Follower Giveaway.  This one too will have multiple winners. Gotta love that!

Alright, that's that and I am out.  Going to try and keep my own focus in check long enough to work on some packets.  My neighbors just may catch me in my own Exercise Transition Break :)


  1. I love your "move it mondays!" always such great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  2. I love your ideas for movement! Come check out my blog! I am having a giveaway!

    Teaching Joys

  3. So fun! I have to try this with my kids when school starts this month. Check out my birthday post. I have a freebie!

    Heather at TeachItToday!

  4. Hopefully I don't seem like a creeper- but I listed you for the Versatile Blog Award. Thanks for the great inspiration!


  5. Love this and of course thanks again!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  6. Replies
    1. You made my day! Thanks for checking it out on a Tuesday . . . hehehehe!

  7. Thanks for the shout out!!! I'm excited to have you as a part of my giveaway! You rock! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Anytime sweets . . . and . . . uh . . . you're the one who ROCKS!!!

  8. Thank you Steph!!! Merry 4th to you :)

  9. Love the rowing!! I have the hardest time keeping some of my poor kiddos awake in the afternoons, especially at the beginning of the year!!

    Happy 4th to you! We're at the beach and it's raining :(, so I'm blog stalking! ha!


  10. Oh wow! I love the rowing song especially! Just bought it, I’m definitely subscribing too! Thanks!
