July 1, 2012


I just got back from a wonderful weekend in the mountains with two dear couples.  We ate too much.  We drank too much grape juice.  We played countless board/card games.  AND . . . we laughed until our guts hurt.  As you can see, it was a pretty perfect mini-vacay :)

I have two things for you today as I play catch up.  First, today is the LAST day you can enter my FIVE-OH-OH Mega Giveaway.  Rafflecopter will close 'er down at midnight and I will be drawing a winner over coffee on Monday morning (Pacific time).  Some of the best of the best have offered up some wonderful prizes for this one.  You don't want to miss out!  Another HUGE thank you to everyone who has participated thus far.  I heart my sweet followers :)

This contest is now closed :)

Jess is having a giveaway right now too :)  CLICK HERE to enter!
Second, I received two awards from a handful of wonderful "blogsters."  It is always so nice to know that someone really values your ideas.  These ladies have really great blogs!  Take a moment check them out. I made it easy on you too.  Just click on the buttons below to visit their sites :)

I received the Lovely Blog Award from:

I received the Versatile Blogger Award from:


The second award asked for seven random facts about little old me.  So, in an effort to follow protocol, here's a few tidbits about the crazy lady over at Teacher Idea Factory.

  1. I am one of those fantasy football freaks that cannot wait for the NFL season to roll around.  There is no one team that I follow.  Instead, I am hootin', hollerin' and downright screamin' for individual players each and every Sunday.  The dork level does not stop there.  I actually listen to Fantasy Radio on XM during my drive to and from school (August through January).  I am always hoping that this will give me the extra inside advantage that I need to shoot past my hubster's team. 
  2. Not that you all really want to know this, but it's definitely a different take on how one might get started in the bloggy world.  I had 2 inches of my colon removed in February due to a nasty case of endometriosis (such sexy stuff).  Although I missed out on nearly 14 weeks with the best class in the world due to a really stinky surgery recovery, it did allow me to get Teacher Idea Factory off the ground.  Glass half-full :)
  3. Originally, I went to school to whoop it up in the fields of Journalism/Public Relations/Marketing.  I worked in the industry for 5 years before deciding to bail and go back to college to receive a teaching degree.
  4. Speaking of marketing, I worked for two different television stations during my first career choice.  In addition to promoting the news, planning special events, and running my department, I wrote cheesy local commercials.  
  5. I am a "piler."  I have stacks of papers and such in all of my creative spaces.  I try and try and TRY SOME MORE to keep myself in check, but I just can't help myself.  They are neat little piles though :)  
  6. All of my creativity tends to be really flowing before I shower.  I typically stay stinky until just before my husband gets home for lunch.  And, sometimes I just change out of my PJs to give the appearance that I've cleaned myself up and I don't shower until 2 or 3pm.  GROSS!
  7. I come from a family of educators.  My mom was a rockin' first grade teacher for 32 years and my awesome dad (Mr. Intelli-Tunes) taught third grade for 25 years.  I fought going into this profession like crazy as a kiddo/teen, but it truly is in my blood.  **RANDOM BONUS TIDBIT . . . my mom taught my husband when he was in first grade.  Trav had the hardest time not calling her Mrs. Brown :)  
Alright folks, I am done.  I swear!  Thanks for sticking with me and my novel-like post today.  Have a great rest of your Sunday and I'll see you tomorrow with a winner announcement and a grammar freebie :)


  1. Kelley, I see that you were already nominated for the Versatile Blog award, but I also nominated you! Thank you for all that you do :]

    Miss V’s Busy Bees

    1. I added you into the post. Thanks so much for your sweet comment :)

  2. Hi!

    We found your blog through Jessica's Give-Away, and we're your newest followers! Love your blog design!

    We hope you'll stop by our blog sometime soon!

    Halle and Jenna
    Across the Hall in 2nd

    1. Check! I am following you too! Thanks for checkin' in over here.

  3. Oh my word! I could never imagine one of my teachers being my mother in law lol Small world!
    and thanks for the shoutout!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  4. Despite the circumstances, I am so glad you started blogging! You have shared so many wonderful ideas. That is hilarious that your mom taught your husband. Talk about a small world! I'm glad you had a great vacation. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. You are too sweet. Thanks for swinging by again Lisa :)

  5. So glad to hear of someone else who is obsessed with football! My husband's friends think it's crazy when I start spitting out random facts and stats, but I LOVE it! We watch way too much ESPN at our house!

    1. Ha! I loved reading this. I knew I liked you :)

    2. ME TOO! :)

      Nice to know I won't be the only person posting about my fantasy team and my real team!

    3. Whoop . . . whoop . . . we will have to compare teams come September. I am sure I will dedicate an entire post to it :)

  6. I'm a little late, but I'm also giving you the Versatile Blogger award! Yea! It's fun to be honored with this. Stop over at my blog and you'll see how to pick it up!
    Second In Line

    1. I am going to add you to the post! Thanks oh-so much Patty :)

  7. Your showering comments cracks me up- because that is so me!! I love summer just for the fact that I don't have to shower and get ready every morning. haha... I told some of my friends this the other day and they acted like I was disgusting- glad to know I have a fellow late showerer. LOL!
    First with Franklin

    1. From one stinky blogger to another . . . ROCK ON . . . let that creativity flow :)
