July 6, 2012


Well, hello!  How you all doing today?  It is going to be a hot one up north in the Golden State (although I am currently sitting under a ceiling fan and shivering). This is going to be the perfect excuse to stay inside and work on a lovely Friday!  

As we roll into the weekend, I figured you all needed a new freebie to keep you going.  So, here's something I ran with the last two years - COLOR WORD RACES.  It works well in Kinder and 1st and the kiddos seem to really enjoy it. It's really just color word spelling practice, but by throwing in those little dice you see pictured below and adding the word "race" to the title, it becomes a really fun "game" that keeps your kiddos engaged and working hard.

Click on the photo above to see where I got the color die.
You can always use a regular die and add colored stickers/dots to each side if you don't have these!
I like to use this as a center during the beginning of the year (1st grade).  Each student gets one color die and a game sheet (run the version you choose back to back).  You can allow them to work with markers and "color match" as they write (this takes longer) or you can focus more on penmanship and have your kiddos just use pencil.  The kids roll and trace or write the corresponding color word on their game sheet.  I typically have them play until 3 or 4 color rows are filled.  **NOTE:  If you have your students roll the die on a piece of felt, it helps keep the noise down.**
Select a version (2 included) and copy these back to back.
CLICK HERE to download your copy.
In addition to the freebie today, I am going to serve as your cyber 4-1-1 call today.  Here are the "deets" on some pretty awesome things going on in blog land these days.

First up, Jessica over at Mrs. Stanford's Class came up with the most brilliant idea . . . a Magical Blogger Product Swap.  Here's how this ditty is gonna fly.  If you are interested, just fill out the form that is magically attached to that button below  - just click.  Jess will pair you up with another blogger in the same grade/subject area.  The person you are paired with gets to pick one product from your store for free (and vise-versa).  Then, you each write a product review on your blog of the free product you received.  This is going to be so cool!  Click on the button and join in the FREE fun today!!

Next, I came across one of the coolest Linky Parties in the history of Linky Parties.  Tori over at Tori's Teacher Tips is hosting a Look Where I was Caught Reading link-up and giveaway.  When I saw this my mind started racing and I knew I had to be a part of it.  I am still deciding where I should take my picture (I have come up with a couple very colorful snapshot ideas that I decided shouldn't be shared in mixed company), but check back soon.  This is going to be great . . . you should think about joining in the fun too!  I would love to see what you all come up with :)

Finally, Jena over at 1st Grade with Miss Snowden is hosting a Big Ole Giveaway.  You should see what this awesome blogger is ponying up (I am honored to have one of my products hiding in there).  Click the button to see what I mean . . . .

Alright folks, that's it for the crazy lady over at Teacher Idea Factory.  I am off to finish up my top-secret packet.  I am hoping to have it up before I leave for Vegas on Sunday.  I have to really try to FOCUS today . . .  mmmmm . . . easier said than done.  Thanks for visiting and I'll see you soon!


  1. Thanks Kelley!!! If you want to change your button to the new form it's https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dE5jUi13OFdncGQ0blZwZmVhMndmWVE6MQ sadly the first one crash and burned!

    1. Diz-un . . . try the new one. I think we are good to go :)

  2. We LOVE the races! Any time you can make reading into a game the kids are all over it! Thanks for sharing!
    ~Christy & Tammy

    1. Yay . . . thanks for visiting me today . . . and for following :)

  3. Thank you for the race recording sheet! I just know my students will love it!

    1. You bet Jennifer. Thanks for swinging by again :)

  4. Love the freebie...thanks!! I'm so jealous you're going to Vegas!!

    1. Hiya friend! I know . . . Sin City for a blogger meet up and the hubby is taggin' along! Now that's what I call a good time :)

  5. Thanks for another freebie and for the link to that cool dice site. I can't wait to see your new surprise packet. I'm soooo jealous that you get to go to Vegas. . .maybe next year. Have a great time.
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

    1. Stacy . . . thanks for visiting me two days in a row and commenting to boot! I heart ya girl!

  6. Thanks for letting me know about Jessica's TPT swap. I think this is a great opportunity!

    1. It's a brilliant idea - gotta love Jess! No only do we get something for free, but we get to make new friends and learn about awesome new creations along the way. I'll see you in the mix on August 1st :)

  7. Thanks for sharing your color word freebie!! LOve it! & your blog design is just adorable!! I'm your newest follower :)

    Color Me Kinder

    1. Yippeeeeeee . . . thanks for stoppin' in Mrs. M :)

  8. Thanks so much for the shout out! :) I can't wait to see what you are cookin' up! :)
    Join my super fun linky!

    1. You know it. This was too good of a Linky to not promote the heck out of. I came up with another one, but it's still a little too "out of the box." Give me a day or so and I'll have a good clean one. Before I go to Vegas . . . . PROMISE :)

  9. I just love your ideas!! Thanks for sharing that game with us. I know my students will have fun with it. I'm sooo jealous that you are going to Vegas. I can't wait to hear all about it. :) Have a blast!!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Lisa . . . you are such a doll. Thanks for always being there :) Hugs. Hugs. And more HUGS!

  10. Love the color word freebie!! We play a game like that with our high frequency words each week!! I am off to San Fran... and I will be back in Vegas Tuesday to see/meet you!!


    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

    1. Ooooooohhhhh . . . have fun. I wish we were hittin' up the city this weekend. Going any place fun in particular (not that it all ain't super fun)??!! I cannot WAIT to meet you . . . counting the days, Susan :)

  11. Replies
    1. Girl . . . that means a ton coming from you :)

  12. Fun in 1st Grade sent me. I am a follower of your great blog!

  13. Fun in 1st Grade sent me over! I'm a newer follower:-)

  14. Love your blog! I am so glad the Fun in 1st Grade sent me over!
    Lindsey Roseboom

  15. Yay . . . hello new followers. Thank you so much for jumpin' on board with me. I'm so glad to have you!

  16. Hello! I am your newest follower. Please follow me too!
    Mrs. Janelle


  17. Love your blog! Fun in First sent me!

    Sweet Seconds

  18. Thanks to all of the new visitors. I LOVE getting to meet new people. Oh-so dippy, but very true!

  19. Love the color word game! Just printed it and plan on order the dice! :) So creative!
