June 20, 2012


It's a miracle I tell ya!  I finally finished my watermelon-flavored Back To School Pack.  I have no idea what happened, but as the ever-popular Katie King would say, my "creative mojo" went missing.  It took me nearly two weeks to get 'er back, but I finally found it hiding in some dark and dingy corner.  Good grief!! So, without further ado . . . here she is in all her glory . . .

Make a watermelon number line for your classroom that very first day!

Slice of Me Flipbook (K-2 Versions Included) -
Get to know the kids and create an awesome "get to know you" bulletin board to boot.
The majority of the projects/activities in this packet have been levelized (i.e. multiple versions) to fit the needs of grades K-2.  I figured that since I had the template already made, I might as well change it up a bit to fit a broader spectrum.  Click over to TPT to see more details!  

Oh yeah . . . and I couldn't let the opportunity to include one of my dad's songs (Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes) slip us by.  When I used this packet in my classroom last year, I wanted a little "simon says" ditty to help me check out my new kiddos' listening skills.  Hence, Mr. B wrote me the "Watermelon Game."  This one is a crack up and the kids LOVE it.  I always love to watch them freak out when they do something that the "farmer" did NOT tell them to do :)  This awesome tune comes free with the packet . . . or you can snag it alone for 99 cents HERE!

Watermelon Game Sample
**Press play to start and pause to stop**
Perfect for K-1 :)

I couldn't let you walk away without a watermelon-style freebie, now could I??!! If you haven't noticed, I am ALL ABOUT the freebie :).  Below you will find directions for my Super Seed Tea Party.  I love to do activities that get my kids interacting right off the bat.  This is a prime example.  Click on the link below to download the templates and the directions!

CLICK HERE for this freebie!
Thank you Goodness & Fun for the cute watermelon slices!

**CLICK HERE to get the free banjo ditty that goes with this game**

On a final note today, my super-awesome bloggy friend, Susan over at T.G.I.F (Thank God It's First) is hosting a 100 Follower Giveaway and I got to be involved (YAY!!).  She is giving away some fantastic items - you just gotta go check it out.  Click on her button to enter!  


The coolest part is that I get to meet Susan face to face in a few short weeks. We are both going to the Vegas Blogger Meet-Up!  I cannot wait to shake her hand . . . wait . . . who am I kidding?  I am going to plant a HUGE hug on this woman :).  Good times for sure.

Well, that's it my friends. I am off to finish up my Short O unit and a guest blogger post (wouldn't you like to know . . . hehehe). Thanks so much for visiting and I'll see you tomorrow. 

WAIT!!  The doorbell just rang and a little brown Amazon box appeared.  Good thing our anniversary was yesterday as my husband isn't going to be getting much attention for a while . . .


  1. My creative juices haven't been following lately either, thank goodness they came back today! :) Your watermelon back looks so fun!
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!
    Formerly Stories From Second

    1. Hehehe . . . Today must have been the "get your mojo back" day :) Thanks for poppin' in Lisa.

  2. So cute! How wonderful that your dad can whip up a song for you!
    Conversations in Literacy

    1. It is pretty lucky for sure ;) If you ever need a song, give me a shout. Hehehehehe!

  3. I am right there with you on creative juices not flowing. I have 4 different projects I have started and I can't seem to finish them. I am definitely going to have to get my butt in gear though because I have one of them in two different giveaways. I am sure your packet turned out great (sometimes ya just need to have a break). Thanks for sharing your freebie Kelley. It is great like always :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

    1. Thanks Heidi . . . good to hear I wasn't the only one that lost "her way." It will be back before you know it :)

  4. Love the watermelon activity! Thanks for the freebie!
    Michelle @ Smitten With First
    My TPT Store

  5. I love the watermelon books--what a great idea! I also love your reading list. I too am hosting a giveaway--The Important Book! I would love to have you stop by the blog.


  6. Kelley thanks for sharing this game! This is a great activity and I'm excited to use it when we teach addition and subtraction in the spring!

  7. Kelley,

    I love the watermelon FREEBIE! What a fun activity. I can use it not only for the beginning of the year but throughout the year. THANK YOU! I'm also reading Math Work Stations and looking forward to using them in the fall.

    Happy reading,

    First Grade Schoolhouse

  8. Thanks so much ladies. I am just getting up and rollin' in little old Cali. What nice comments to wake up to :)

  9. My computer was being horribly glitchy yesterday and now I am just seeing this post!! Thank you Miss Kelley, you are simply the best!! I can't wait to meet you wooooo!!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

    1. Anytime sweets . . . the feeling is oh-so mutual :)

  10. I LOVE the watermelon game! Can't wait to use it with my kiddos. Lucky to have such a talented dad. I just finished reading The Cafe. Love, love, love it! Thanks for the freebie and introducing me to your dad's fantastic music!

    1. Thanks for coming back for a little visit. I am zipping through the D5 pretty quickly and will move on to The Cafe soon. I'll be in touch to chat about it :)

  11. I got the daily 5 and cafe not to long ago as well! I got them on my kindle because I was too impatient.

    Thanks for the freebie, What a great way to get the kids moving and getting to know each other while doing some math!
    Adventures in Room 5
